Ryan McMullan's practice focuses on litigation in federal and state courts and representing clients before the government. His experience across a variety of industries includes white collar litigation as well as securities litigation, consumer class actions, and consumer rights litigation.
Ryan has significant experience in all phases of discovery, including managing large-volume electronic discovery, taking depositions, and preparing corporate representatives, experts, and fact witnesses. Ryan also has drafted motions and pleadings for numerous cases in state and federal courts, representing clients from the pleading stage through appeal.
In addition, Ryan maintains an active pro bono practice, primarily focusing on veterans' affairs.
- Emory University (J.D. with honors 2020); Clemson University (B.S. in Economics 2016)
- New York, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and U.S. District Courts for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York
- Extern, U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of Georgia (August 2019-May 2020)
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