Amanda Parker concentrates on financial institutions litigation, appellate advocacy, and class action litigation. Amanda's recent matters include representing a financial institution trustee in a class action and several other significant cases brought by investors in mortgage-backed securities and successfully defending a manufacturer in multiple putative class actions. She also has experience with issues relating to arbitration clauses in consumer product warranties.
Amanda has an active pro bono practice. She has briefed and argued multiple pro bono cases before federal courts of appeals and has drafted pro bono amicus briefs at the certiorari and merits stages before the U.S. Supreme Court.
- University of Minnesota (J.D. magna cum laude 2008; Order of the Coif; Article Editor, Minnesota Law Review); Gustavus Adolphus College (B.A. summa cum laude 2005; Phi Beta Kappa 2004)
- District of Columbia and Ohio
- Law Clerk to the Honorable Eric L. Clay, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit (2008-2009)
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