Daniella Paredes focuses her practice on patent, trade secret, and unfair competition litigation. Her experience includes representing clients before several U.S. district courts and advising clients in many types of industries.
Daniella has experience in various pretrial stages of litigation, such as fact investigation, discovery, claim construction, and general motion practice. She has advised clients on their intellectual property portfolios and navigating complex intellectual property issues.
Prior to attending law school, Daniella worked as an associate engineer at Florida Power & Light (FPL) in South Florida where she designed electric grid infrastructure for system expansion and development projects.
- University of Florida (J.D. magna cum laude 2023; Dean's List; Forum Editor, The Florida Law Review); Florida State University (B.S. in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2018)
- Texas
- Intern to Judge Jose E. Martinez, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida (Summer 2021)
- Spanish
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