Michael Platt is a trial lawyer with a national litigation practice focusing on complex commercial disputes. He has litigated and obtained victories in cases involving contract claims, business torts, consumer and securities class actions, shareholder lawsuits, and product liability claims.
Michael has represented Macy's, Timken, Owens Corning, Cliffs Natural Resources, The Cleveland Browns, KeyCorp, NII Holdings, and CSX in a variety of litigation and arbitration matters.
Michael is an adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, where he teaches complex litigation. He also serves on the board of directors of Dress For Success Cleveland.
- December 15, 2011
Trial Evidence for the Ohio Practitioner
- American University (J.D. summa cum laude 2003; Associate Articles Editor, American University Law Review); The Johns Hopkins University (B.A. in Political Science 1997)
- Ohio, New York, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, and U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Third and Sixth Circuits
- Law Clerk to Judge Walter K. Stapleton, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit (2003-2004)
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