Colleen Reider focuses her practice on commercial financing transactions. She represents and advises financial institutions, public and private borrowers, lenders, and banks in a variety of transactions that include secured and unsecured credit facilities, cross-border and multicurrency financings, and acquisition financings.
Colleen maintains an active pro bono practice and is involved in the Firm's immigration asylum initiative. Colleen was also nominated and chosen to be a part of the Women in Financial Markets' 2024 Emerge Cohort.
- University of Illinois Chicago (J.D. summa cum laude 2022; Class of Spring 2022 Valedictorian; Staff Editor, UIC Law Review); University of Kansas (B.A. in Psychology magna cum laude 2019)
- Illinois
- Extern to Judge John F. Kness, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois (Spring 2021)
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