Gabriel Saint-Paul's practice areas includes venture capital, private equity, M&A, and capital markets. He represents private and public high-growth companies, their managers, and the private equity and industrial investors that finance them at every stage of development from entrepreneurial start-ups to global corporations.
Gabriel's recent experience includes advising technology and life sciences companies Deezer, OuiCar, and Eurobio Scientific and investment funds Demeter, Earlybird, and Hi Inov in transactions.
Prior to joining Jones Day, Gabriel completed several internships in law firms in Paris and Shanghai and at a major infrastructure private equity investment fund in Paris.
- Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University (Advanced Master's Degree and Specialized Diploma in Business Law 2019; College of Law Diploma 2017; LL.B. 2017)
- Paris
- French and English
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