Mélanie Staes has more than 10 years of experience advising on a broad range of tax matters. Mélanie's transactional and structuring tax practice includes assisting with international tax issues, with a particular focus on M&A.
She has represented multinational groups as well as real estate and private equity funds and has advised on transaction structuring and the negotiation of tax covenants.
Mélanie previously worked in Luxembourg and New York, and she has extensive experience providing clients with practical advice on tax technical issues related to financing arrangements, operational models, joint ventures, and group structure rationalization.
She also has been published in leading international tax journals.
- Leiden University (Master of Advanced Studies in International Tax Law 2013; Malcolm Gammie Award for remarkable performance); Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (LL.M. in Tax Law with a minor in Economic Law cum laude 2012; LL.B. 2010)
- Qualified in Luxembourg (non-practising)
- Dutch, French, and German
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