Trey Waters


ダラス + 1.214.969.3697

Trey Waters joined our New Lawyers Group (NLG) in 2024. The NLG provides our newest lawyers with the opportunity to gain exposure to different practice areas and lawyering styles before making a commitment to a specific practice. Individuals in the NLG may focus on a particular area of practice, or compare practices, during their first year with Jones Day.


  • Blackstone / GSO Blazer Holdings LLC sells interest in Targa BadlandsJones Day advised Blackstone / GSO Blazer Holdings LLC, a portfolio company of funds managed by Blackstone, in the sale of all of Blackstone's equity interest in Targa Badlands LLC to Targa Resources Corp. for approximately $1.8 billion in cash.
  • CNX Resources acquires natural gas upstream and associated midstream business of Apex EnergyJones Day advised CNX Resources Corporation in the acquisition of the natural gas upstream and associated midstream business of Apex Energy LLC, a Carnelian Energy Capital portfolio company, for a total cash consideration of approximately $505 million.