Located in the energy capital of the world, Jones Day's Houston Office has particular focus in the energy industry, representing regional and global clients, including multiple supermajors. We also work with clients to resolve issues in the health care, chemicals, manufacturing, and construction sectors, located in the Houston area and around the globe.
- Clients are serviced by our Houston lawyers' extensive capabilities in M&A, joint ventures, bankruptcy, cybersecurity and data privacy, labor and employment, intellectual property, antitrust, and securities litigation and SEC enforcement.
- Clients are guided by our lawyers through complex transactions in the United States and abroad, including oil and gas development and transactions in shale and conventional upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors and LNG matters. We advise on state and federal regulation and represent clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
- Some of our Houston-based partners have served in the Justice Department in Washington and the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of Texas. They use their experience to counsel clients on antitrust investigations, enforcement actions, and merger reviews, and defend them in white collar criminal matters.
- Our lawyers support a broad range of community and charitable organizations in Houston and throughout Southeast Texas, with a particular focus on children and education initiatives.
1:04 AM Central Daylight Time
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