With a focus on public law, Pierre Barthélemy advises economic operators, banks, and public authorities on all aspects of French and European procurement contract regulations. His experience includes tendering procedures related to the financing and performance of contracts, such as public work, supply, service contracts, concessions, and public-private partnerships (PPPs). He also has notable experience in French and European regulations of economic activities, including energy (electricity and gas unbundling, producing, transmission, and storage) and transportation (rail and road).
In addition, Pierre's practice covers French and European CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States) regulation, export control, and economic activities in countries under EU and U.S. sanctions; public land and properties (including privatization) and urban planning law; and counseling and litigation aspects of French public law.
Before joining Jones Day, Pierre worked for a French law firm.
- ESSEC Business School (MBA 2015); French Bar School of Paris (CAPA 2012); University of Paris II-Panthéon Assas (Master 2 in Public Business Law 2009; Maîtrise in Public Law 2008); Paris Institute of Comparative Law (DEUG in French & German Law 2006)
- Paris
- English, German, French