James Egerton-Vernon


Washington + 1.202.879.3610

James Egerton-Vernon possui mais de 12 anos de experiência com foco em arbitragens de litígios investidor-Estado, arbitragens comerciais internacionais e litígios internacionais. James é qualificado tanto como procurador inglês quanto como advogado em Nova Iorque. Ele é fluente em Espanhol, Português e Francês e atuou em diversas arbitragens sob as regras do ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, LCIA, em SCC, e SIAC em múltiplos setores e indústrias, incluindo petrolífero, mineração de urânio e ouro, gás, telecomunicações e projetos de construção.

James atualmente assessora diversos investidores em suas reivindicações de investimentos de grandes valores contra a Comunidade de Estados Independentes (CEI) e estados latino-americanos e recentemente desempenhou um papel fundamental em um caso que estabelecia importantes precedentes jurídicos sobre as regras de sucessão de tratados. Também representou clientes com investimentos no setor petrolífero venezuelano, em inglês e espanhol, em suas reivindicações decorrentes de mudanças unilaterais no regime de hidrocarbonetos naquele país; uma empresa brasileira do setor de energia em uma disputa de construção com seu parceiro de joint venture italiano; uma empresa de fertilizantes do Kuwait em um processo do ICSID contra o Egito; uma empresa de energia romena em um processo da ICC contra um oligarca russo; uma empresa do setor de energia dos EUA num processo da ICC contra o seu co-contratante indiano; e uma empresa de entretenimento espanhola envolvida em processos de disputa do LCIA em Madrid.

James faz parte da lista de árbitros da Câmara de Comércio Portuguesa, atuou como Presidente Regional da América do Norte para o Young ITA, é membro de muitas outras associações internacionais de arbitragem e foi anteriormente editor assistente da ICSID Review. Ele é palestrante e autor frequente sobre arbitragem comercial e investidor-Estado e professor adjunto de Arbitragem Internacional na Universidade de Maryland.


  • WEG acquires industrial electric motors and generators business from Regal Rexnord CorporationJones Day advised WEG S.A. in the $400 million acquisition of the industrial electric motors and generators business of Regal Rexnord Corporation.
  • German businessman arbitrates ICSID claim against LebanonJones Day is representing German businessman Mr. Abed El Jaouni in ICSID proceedings against Lebanon.
  • Canadian mining company initiates UNCITRAL arbitration against KazakhstanJones Day represents a Canadian mining company in an UNCITRAL arbitration against the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • U.S. construction company arbitrates dispute with Panama for violation of applicable treaties between U.S. and PanamaJones Day represented a U.S. construction company in an international arbitration conducted under the Rules of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes against the Republic of Panama.
  • World Wide Minerals obtains arbitration award in excess of $50 million against the Republic of KazakhstanJones Day obtained an arbitration award on behalf of World Wide Minerals Ltd. ("WWM"), a Toronto-based mining company, and Mr. Paul A. Carroll, QC, WWM's President and CEO, which held that the Republic of Kazakhstan breached international law and the Canada-U.S.S.R. Bilateral Investment Treaty ("BIT") over 20 years ago.
  • Windoor arbitrates ICSID claim against KazakhstanJones Day is representing Estonian construction company AS Windoor in ICSID arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Global City Holdings launches $265 million stock repurchaseJones Day advised Global City Holdings N.V. ("GCH"), a public limited liability company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, on the launch of its PLN 990,698,853 (approximately €237.7 million/ US$265.4 million) buy back offer to repurchase the GCH shares held by minority shareholders.
  • Major U.S. oil company seeks advice following adverse conduct by state-owned entity and local government in connection to its investmentJones Day is advising a major U.S. oil company on its rights and potential remedies under a bilateral investment treaty and several production sharing contracts with a Southeast Asian State.
  • Federal Elektrik Yatirim ve Ticaret arbitrates issues against Uzbekistan under Energy Charter TreatyJones Day represents Federal Elektrik Yatirim ve Ticaret A.S. and three other claimants in an ICSID arbitration against Uzbekistan seeking millions of dollars of compensation under the Energy Charter Treaty and the Turkey-Uzbekistan bilateral investment treaty.
  • Singaporean company pursues deep sea mineral exploration licenseJones Day represented a Singaporean company on its application to the International Seabed Authority for a deep sea mineral exploration license and associated joint venture arrangements.
  • Kazakh investors initiate ICSID arbitration against UzbekistanJones Day represents Vladislav Kim and 11 other citizens of Kazakhstan in an ICSID arbitration against the Republic of Uzbekistan instituted pursuant to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments.
    • May 30, 2024
      "The Increasing Use of Guerilla Tactics in International Arbitration," Club Español e Iberoamericano del Arbitraje
    • June 29, 2023
      Interviewed (in Portuguese) for Canal Arbitragem, "Arbitragem Na Pratica" Interview Series. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FueS89xsL3E
    • January 26, 2023
      Panelist - "Is Brazil an Arbitration-Friendly Jurisdiction for Foreign Investors?" - 2nd Georgetown Brazilian Arbitration Day
    • October 19, 2022
      Speaker (in Portuguese) at São Paulo Arbitration Week event titled International Arbitrations Arising in Brazil: Best Practices for Identifying and Mitigating Local and International Risks
    • February 22, 2022
      Speaker, Young ITA Global Forum 2022
    • October 3, 2018
      Panel moderator, "The United States and Investment Treaties: The Next Ten Years", #YoungITATalks Event
    • September 25, 2018
      US Law and International Commercial Arbitration: A Changing Landscape
    • June 20, 2018
      Moderator and panelist, "A Tour Around the Arbitration World," 30th Annual ITA Workshop and Annual Meeting
    • March 15, 2018
      ASIL Young Arbitrator Debate Series, Debater of the Motion: "This house believes that no conflict arises when an arbitrator is appointed to decide a case that raises an issue on which that arbitrator has already issued an opinion or a decision."
    • November 29, 2017
      Arbitral Parents: Managing Parenthood in the Context of an International Practice
    • November 29, 2017
      Panelist, "Managing Parenthood in the Context of an International Practice", ArbitralWomen / Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners (YAWP), the International Centre for Dispute Resolution Young & International (ICDR Y&I).
    • April 23, 2016
      43rd Annual Advanced Business Law Conference: Back to the Future - Business Lawyering for All Stages of the Company Life Cycle, Virginia CLE, Panelist, Taking Your Products and Services to Market: Evolving Distribution Models and Issues in Domestic and Foreign Markets
    • February 13, 2016
      India's Model Bilateral Investment Treaty - A Critical Analysis, Panel Chair, Nani Palkhivala Arbitration Centre, Annual International Conference: Emerging Frontiers of Arbitration Law
    • October 9, 2015
      Is the Definitive Arbitral Award No Longer What it Used to Be? Arbitral Appeals, Annulment or Quality Control of Arbitral Awards, Panelist - speaking in Portuguese, V Encontro Internacional De Arbitragem De Coimbra
    • October 31, 2014
      Oil and Gas Investment Arbitrations, panelist, Structuring Against the Risk of Adverse Continental Shelf Decisions
    • March 28. 2014
      Is Investment Treaty Arbitration a Mechanism to Second-guess Governments’ Exercise of Administrative Discretion: Public Law or Lex Investoria?, Eigth Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference
    • February 11, 2014
      Current Issues in Investor-State Arbitration, panelist, Georgetown University Law Center, International Arbitration Month