Lori Hellkamp


Washington + 1.202.879.3787

Lori Hellkamp provides creative solutions to complex tax issues by taking a practical approach to problem solving. Her practice spans a broad range of areas, including corporate and international tax, M&A, and tax controversy. Lori's practice has a particular emphasis on international tax planning, counseling, and compliance as well as tax-efficient structuring for cross-border transactions and investments. Lori has extensive experience helping clients address issues arising from foreign (inbound) investments into the United States and in the fintech sector. She also regularly advises clients on tax and structuring issues related to cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.

Lori has counseled public and private companies facing a wide variety of multijurisdictional tax issues, both internally and before the Internal Revenue Service. She has helped clients obtain favorable private letter rulings and advance pricing agreements, resolve disputes at Appeals and in Competent Authority proceedings, and navigate complex tax treaty, transfer pricing, withholding, FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act), anti-boycott, and international tax reform issues.

Lori is a board member of the George Washington University-IRS International Annual Tax Institute, an adjunct professor of international taxation at American University, and the former chair of the ABA Tax Section's Committee on U.S. Activities of Foreigners & Tax Treaties (USAFTT). She frequently speaks and publishes articles on various international and corporate tax topics. Lori also is a member of the ABA's task force on cryptocurrency, a coauthor of the book Blockchain for Business Lawyers, and the hiring partner for the Washington Office of Jones Day.