Global clients with Midwest interests and Midwest clients with global interests receive a full range of transactional, advisory, and litigation services across a variety of industries from lawyers in our Detroit Office.
- Clients served by Jones Day's Detroit Office benefit from a full suite of legal services, including business and tort litigation, global disputes, M&A, corporate governance, capital markets, private equity, technology transactions, health care, intellectual property, and investigations and white collar defense.
- Our Detroit–based lawyers combine transactional, counseling, and litigation capabilities with in-depth knowledge and experience in such sectors as automotive, health care, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, energy, technology, and financial services.
- Clients receive the latest updates on developments in mobility solutions, autonomous and connected vehicles, technology, and manufacturing.
- Lawyers bridge U.S. clients to financial and governmental centers worldwide and facilitate the growing inbound investment in the region.
- Detroit lawyers collaborate seamlessly with more than 2,500 Firm lawyers located in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.
- Our lawyers work with a number of local charitable, cultural, and civic organizations that benefit the people of the city and the Detroit metropolitan area.
The Global Automotive Law Firm
Partner Tim Melton discusses the history of the office and our work with the automotive industry, not just in Michigan but around the globe.
10:20 PM Eastern Standard Time
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