Matthew Bull


墨尔本 + 61.3.9101.6843

Matthew Bull has more than 20 years experience advising clients on all aspects of Australian competition and consumer law across a broad range of industries, including energy and resources, financial services, technology, and health.

Matt has particular experience advising on commercial transactions. He assists clients with achieving their commercial goals while managing competition issues arising in strategic collaborations such as joint ventures. Matt has significant experience obtaining clearance from the ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission) for complex mergers and acquisitions, including navigating Phase 2 merger reviews and developing solutions to address competition concerns.

Matt regularly advises clients on matters involving infrastructure such as ports, airports, railway networks, gas pipelines, and electricity networks. He has a deep understanding of economic regulation and the issues facing access seekers/providers, including advising clients in access disputes, price arbitrations, and price reviews by the AER (Australian Energy Regulator), QCA (Queensland Competition Authority), and ERA (Energy Resources of Australia).

Matt also represents clients during ACCC market inquiries and market studies. He not only assists clients in complying with their obligations to produce material to the ACCC, but also helps clients draft persuasive submissions. He represents clients during examinations conducted by the ACCC as part of these market inquiries.

Matt advises clients in enforcement and litigation matters. He is experienced in responding to informal investigations as well as compulsory notices to produce documents.

Matt is a member of the Law Council of Australia's Competition and Consumer Committee, the leading competition policy body in Australia, and co-edited the market definition chapter in the leading CCH textbook Australian Competition Law.