- 众达多名反垄断律师曾在美洲、欧洲和亚洲的执法机构担任高级职务,因此可以就政府调查和决策提供有价值的见解。
- 众达律师曾协助诸多客户使其重要交易成功通过多个司法辖区的合并审查,并在诸多政府拟拒绝批准交易的案件中成功为客户提供抗辩服务。
- 众达专业化的反垄断诉讼律师团队可协助处理全球各国反垄断执法机构发起的政府诉讼以及个人向法院提起的民事诉讼。
- 我们在反垄断法律各业务领域的广度和深度使我们能够为企业提供综合高效的法律服务,助其解决各个司法辖区内的反垄断与竞争法事宜。
Jones Day Talks Technology: The Intersection of Tech and Antitrust
Craig Waldman, Co-Chair of Jones Day's global Antitrust & Competition Law Practice, talks about antitrust law in the tech sector and how innovation, competition, R&D, and similar factors can affect business practices for organizations developing, acquiring, and implementing new and emerging technology.
Clients value the firm's international network, stressing the 'depth of expertise and breadth of coverage across the world.'
Chambers Global
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