- 华盛顿分所逾250名律师为国内外客户提供全方位的法律服务,这些律师的执业范围几乎涵盖了本所的所有业务领域,包括诉讼、反垄断、上诉、全球争议、政府监管、知识产权、兼并收购、金融机构监管、网络、税务和破产。
- 为满足众达客户的全球需求,华盛顿律师与全球同事开展合作,满足客户在广泛司法辖区的业务需求。我们的全球布局和整合技术旨在使我们能够跨地区跨领域对客户需求作出无缝式响应,进而使客户受益。
- 我们的律师致力于公益服务和其他公共服务活动,从移民案件和刑事上诉到住房案件和法律援助中心职工安置等。众达华盛顿分所荣获哥伦比亚特区律师协会颁发的“2018年度最佳公益服务律师事务所”奖。
- 华盛顿分所驻于历史悠久的Acacia大楼,从楼顶可眺望国会山,毗邻普利兹克奖获得者建筑师Richard Rogers先生运用最新科技打造的节能环保大楼。
Jones Day in Washington: Gateway to a Nation’s Capital
A consistent presence in Washington since 1946, Jones Day’s lawyers advise a global client base on matters and disputes involving the federal government, its numerous agencies, and its complex regulations. Partners Noel Francisco, Jim Gauch, and Kevyn Orr discuss the value of having lawyers at the Firm with extensive government experience and who understand how Washington works.
Serving Any Client's Needs Anywhere on the Globe
Partner-in-Charge U.S. Offices Kevyn Orr discusses our panoply of services, including global disputes, litigation, finance, government contracting, issues and appeals, bankruptcy, and restructuring.
1:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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