眾達在加州的歷史可追溯至 1973 年成立洛杉磯分所。本所目前擁有約 80 位執業律師,是眾達在加州設立的五間分所中最大者,也是眾達在西岸的主要分所,協助本所客戶在加州當地或世界各地取得各項訴訟和非訟法律服務。
眾達的國內外客戶皆能獲得本所律師在以下業務範疇的豐富經驗與知識:產品責任和毒物侵權、爭議與上訴、複雜的商業爭端、反壟斷、保險理賠、集體訴訟、勞工聘僱、智財權、證券和企業犯罪調查。此外,洛杉磯分所在稅務、員工退休與所得安全法 (ERISA)、購倂、資本市場、技術交易和亞洲投資方面也有豐富的非訟與諮商能力。本所的訴訟和非訟業務能力涵括各項產業,諸如醫療保健、能源、消費產品、零售、餐飲、金融、科技、電信、營建和公法人等等。身為眾達「一所跨全球」策略團隊的一員,本所律師能夠同步取得分散世界各地 32 間分所、逾 2500 名律師的龐大法律資源。這項優勢使本所律師有能力協助客戶解決在世界各地遇到的複雜法律問題。
洛杉磯分所的律師皆是法律圈公認的佼佼者,在眾多榮譽與成就當中,值得一提的是我們的律師曾為加州中區地方法院的司法諮詢兼遴選委員會(the bipartisan Judicial Advisory Selection Committee)擔任主席,主持聯邦律師公會(Federal Bar Association)和商務訴訟律師協會(Associatin of Business Trail Lawyers)的洛杉磯分會,服務於洛杉磯律師公會的許多領導要職。眾達洛杉磯分所也貢獻不少心力在公益服務上,我們曾獲頒「年度律師事務所」、並也兩次獲得公共顧問團(Public Counsel)、以及Bet Tzedeku和洛杉磯法律扶助基金會等許多當地法律服務機構頒發之獎項。
Celebrating 50 Years in Los Angeles
Bold. Disruptive. Transformational.
Fifty years ago, Jones Day recognized that building a truly national firm was the most effective way to meet the needs of a rapidly growing client base. In this short video, current and former Jones Day partners talk about how the successful expansion to Los Angeles in 1973, viewed as bold, disruptive, and transformational at the time, helped establish the template for the collaborative One Firm Worldwide model that remains today.
Jones Day in Los Angeles
A Commitment to Clients, to People, and to the Community.
Los Angeles-based partners reflect on the Firm’s 50 years in Southern California, the numerous practices and services positioned to meet client needs, and why Jones Day’s success is rooted in the strength of its people.