Linda A. Hesse


Paris +

Linda Hesse exerce dans le domaine du droit boursier, des marchés de capitaux et de la corporate governance depuis plus de vingt ans.

Elle agit en tant que conseil des sociétés, telles que Orange, Sanofi, EDAP et TotalEnergies, lors de leurs introductions en bourse à Paris ou aux Etats-Unis, leurs émissions de titres financiers et dans le cadre de leurs démarches auprès de l’AMF et de la SEC.

Linda Hesse a notamment conseillé Orange dans le cadre de son programme d’obligations U.S. « Yankee Bonds », mis à jour en décembre 2023, et des émissions sous le programme, et Sanofi dans ce même contexte, y compris lors d'émissions telles que l’émission de 7 milliards de dollars en valeur nominale et divisée en 6 tranches dans le cadre de l’acquisition de Genzyme.

Elle est très régulièrement conseil dans le cadre d’OPAs et de fusions de sociétés cotées (dont l'acquisition de Panalpina par DSV, de Technopolis Plc par Kildare Partners, l'acquisition des actionnaires minoritaires de Stallergenes Greer par Waypoint, de Zodiac Aerospace par Safran, la fusion de Stallergenes et Greer, l’offre de Wabtec pour Faiveley et les offres d’Essilor International pour FGX et Shamir Opticals) ainsi que, plus généralement, pour toutes questions relatives au droit boursier.

Linda Hesse conseille également les banques d’investissements, telles que BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole CIB, Société Générale et Natixis.


  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €5 billion 3.450% OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a 17-year benchmark €5 billion 3.450% OLO (the “OLO 104”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €7 billion 3.100% OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a 10-year benchmark €7 billion 3.100% OLO (the “OLO 103”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Innate Pharma S.A. receives up to $7.9 million investment from The Institute for Follicular Lymphoma InnovationJones Day advised Innate Pharma S.A. in connection with an up to $7.9 million investment from The Institute for Follicular Lymphoma Innovation (IFLI).
  • Sanofi to separate its consumer healthcare business, OpellaJones Day is acting as securities law counsel to Sanofi in the separation of Opella, its consumer healthcare business, and the announced sale of a 50% controlling stake.
  • Orange voluntarily delists from NYSE by successful consent solicitation and voluntarily deregisters with U.S. Securities and Exchange CommissionJones Day advised Orange, S.A., a leading telecommunications operator and digital service provider serving 287 million customers, on its voluntary delisting of its American Depositary Shares from the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and voluntary deregistration from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its successful consent solicitation in relation to its US$2.5 billion outstanding 30-year Notes due 2031.
  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €7 billion 2.70% OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a five-year benchmark €7 billion 2.70% OLO (the “OLO 102”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Orange and Masmovil combine in €18.6 billion mergerJones Day advised Orange, S.A. ("Orange"), one of the world's leading telecommunications operators, on the combination of their telecom business in Spain with Masmovil, one of the leading telecommunications operators in Spain, for an enterprise value of €18.6 billion (€7.8 billion for Orange Spain and €10.9 billion for Masmovil).
  • Waga Energy raises €52 million in accelerated bookbuilding offeringJones Day advised Waga Energy, an independent producer of renewable biomethane (RNG) from landfill gas with operations in Europe and North America, on its €52 million accelerated bookbuilding private placement.
  • Natixis and Morgan Stanley Europe enter into derivatives forward transactions with ENGIE S.A. and ENGIE Group Participations S.A. and complete their hedging by way of private placement of €273 million of Gaztransport & Technigaz S.A.’s Ordinary SharesJones Day represented Natixis S.A. and Morgan Stanley Europe SE, acting as hedging banks in the derivatives transactions and joint global coordinators in the private placement, in connection with derivatives forward transactions with ENGIE S.A. and ENGIE Group Participations S.A. over Ordinary Shares of Gaztransport & Technigaz S.A. and the private placement executed through an accelerated bookbuild offering of approximately €273 million of Gaztransport & Technigaz S.A.'s Ordinary Shares, as part of the hedging bank’s hedge of their commitment under the derivatives forward transactions.
  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €5 billion 3.50% OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a 30-year benchmark €5 billion 3.50% OLO (the “OLO 101”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €7 billion 2.85% OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a 10-year benchmark €7 billion 2.850% OLO (the “OLO 100”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Amadeus FiRe completes buyback tender offerJones Day advised Amadeus FiRe AG in connection with a public fixed price share buyback tender offer to its shareholders for acquiring own shares; the company, a German specialized personnel service provider, is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard).
  • Sega acquires Rovio EntertainmentJones Day advised Sega Corporation with the international aspects of the acquisition of Finland’s Rovio Entertainment (the creators of 'Angry Birds').
  • Median Technologies completes €11.6 million equity fundraising and places €10 million convertible bond to U.S. investorJones Day represented Median Technologies SA in connection with its (i) equity fundraising of €11.6 million outside of the United States pursuant to Regulation S, including through a public offering in France to retail investors via the PrimaryBid website and a private placement through an accelerated bookbuilding process, and (ii) placement of a €10 million convertible bond to a U.S. investor.
  • BNP Paribas, Bryan Garnier, and Natixis complete €141 million capital increase of CarbiosJones Day advised BNP Paribas, Bryan Garnier, and Natixis in connection with the €141 million capital increase with shareholders' preferential subscription rights of Carbios, a biotech company specialized in the development and industrialization of biological technologies used for plastic and textiles recycling.
  • TotalEnergies completes PIPE investment in NextDecade Corporation and investment in $18.5 billion Rio Grande LNG ProjectJones Day represented TotalEnergies in connection with its PIPE investment in NextDecade Corporation and investment in the Rio Grande LNG (RGLNG) Project, a planned natural gas liquefaction project in South Texas.
  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €4 billion 3.45% OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a 20-year benchmark €4 billion 3.45% OLO (the “OLO 99”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Forsee Power completes €50 million capital increaseJones Day advised Forsee Power, a French company listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris which specializes in the design, manufacture, and marketing of intelligent battery systems for the electromobility market, in its capital increase without shareholders’ preferential subscription rights but with priority subscription period for an amount of approximately €50 million.
  • Innate Pharma S.A. establishes at-the-market program for up to US$75 million in United StatesJones Day represented Innate Pharma S.A., as U.S. counsel, in connection with the establishment of a new at-the-market (ATM) program for up to US$75 million in the United States, including filing a prospectus with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission for registered shares on a Form F-3 shelf registration statement.
  • Financial institutions complete benchmark €5 billion OLO by Kingdom of BelgiumJones Day assisted the financial institutions in connection with the issuance of a 30-year benchmark €5 billion 3.30% OLO (the “OLO 98”) by the Kingdom of Belgium.
    • June 2, 2020
      COVID-19-Related Transparency and Insider Trading Discussion – A Global Perspective
    • September 12, 2019
      Sustainable Economy: A Global View
    • 15 novembre 2017
      Biotech/Medtech, comment se financer aux États-Unis?
    • November 15, 2017
      Biotech/Medtech, how to raise funds in United States?
    • October 23, 2017
      Seminar for Listed Companies: What You Need to Know About Recent Legal Developments
    • 17 octobre 2017
      Enquêtes internes vs. Enquêtes judiciaires : les liaisons dangereuses ?
    • September 13, 2017
      ECM Round Table: Market Trends and Landmark Deals 2017, Organized by the Magazine des Affaires, Paris
    • 13 septembre 2017
      Table ronde Equity Capital Markets (ECM) : Tendances et opérations emblématiques 2017 – Organisée par le Magazine des Affaires, Paris
    • 20 avril 2017
      Finale de la 3ème édition du Prix Jones Day/ESSEC/Paris II
    • November 9, 2016
      Jones Day Global Life Sciences Conference – 2016 Issues & Trends
    • 7 janvier 2015
      U.S. IPOs : How and Why
    • 13 novembre 2014
      The ABA's 15th Annual "Live from the SEC"
    • October 6, 2014
      BioM-Forum: IPO in the US - a reality
    • 22 septembre 2014
      4ème Dîner-Débat "HEC au Féminin"
    • February 14, 2013
      European Banking – On the Road to Union and Harmonization?
    • Jeudi 17 janvier 2013
      Introduction en bourse aux Etats-Unis et le JOBS Act : enjeux et problématiques
    • September 20, 2012
      SME Financing: legal news and market trends – in collaboration with NYSE Euronext and Société Générale
    • 20 septembre 2012
      Le financement des PME: actualités juridiques et tendances de marché - en partenariat avec NYSE Euronext et Société Générale
    • June 30, 2011
      Managing Your Risk - Bribery, Corruption and Business Ethics
    • 23 mai 2011
      Les femmes et le private equity : les nouvelles frontières de la région Moyen-Orient/Afrique du Nord, Séminaire organisé par Venture Catalyst Private Equity Partners avec le soutien de MENA-OCDE Women’s Business Forum, du MENA-OCDE Investment Programme, du Département d’Etat et du Département du Commerce des Etats-Unis
    • May 23, 2011
      Women in Private Equity: New Frontiers for the MENA Region
    • 2 mai 2011
      S’informer et échanger pour mieux administrer - Dîner-débat organisé par HEC au Féminin
    • May 2011
      Managing your Risk - Bribery, Corruption and Business Ethics
    • 27 janvier 2011
      Opérations de Spin-off - enjeux et modalités juridiques : La mise en oeuvre des opérations de spin-off, 2ème volet
    • 9 décembre 2010
      Opérations de Spin-off - enjeux et modalités juridiques : Enjeux réglementaires et opportunités, 1er volet
    • 4 juillet 2007
      Les prises de contrôle rampantes, Association des Juristes de Sciences Po
    • July 4, 2007
      Les prises de contrôle rampantes, Association des Juristes de Sciences Po
    • 3 avril 2007
      Introductions en bourse : feuille de route pratique