Jonathan L. Marsh

Of Counsel

Houston + 1.832.239.3785

Jonathan Marsh's practice is focused on the arbitration and litigation of global construction disputes, primarily in the energy/oil and gas industries, and includes construction disputes involving several billion dollars in Asia, Africa, and South America. His experience extends to representation of owners and contractors and has included disputes in the construction of gas plants, gas-to-liquids facilities, offshore platforms, and hydropower facilities.

Since joining Jones Day in 2014, Jonathan has represented a major oil company in a multibillion dollar dispute with a co-venturer regarding construction of a multiphased sour gas project in Asia. In this representation, Jonathan provided a full range of legal services for the client, including factual development, development of expert reviews, preparation of dispute materials, and strategic guidance to the client in the context of efforts to resolve the dispute without formal dispute resolution.

Prior to joining Jones Day, Jonathan represented a major oil company in disputes arising out of the construction of a major oil and gas facility in Africa. He also successfully represented an international power company in a Dispute Adjudication Board proceeding against a civil works contractor arising out of underground works performed in the construction of a hydropower project in South America. In addition to his construction disputes practice, Jonathan has successfully represented energy clients in industrial casualty matters, environmental tort litigation involving claims of property damage and personal injury related to present and historic oil and gas production operations, and litigation involving claims of climate change-related injury.

Jonathan has written several articles concerning climate change litigation and has participated in panel discussions on the topic.


  • Human trafficking survivor obtains order sealing prostitution chargeAs part of the firm wide Human Trafficking Expungement Initiative, Jones Day represented a human trafficking survivor who escaped her trafficker and subsequently graduated from an Ivy League university.
  • The following represents experience acquired prior to joining Jones Day.

    Represented an international contractor in construction disputes with the owner of a pulp mill being built in South America.

    Represented a major oil company in a dispute with its joint venture partner arising out of the construction of a multibillion dollar facility in Africa.

    Represented a major oil company in a dispute with its contractor involving the fabrication of topsides modules to be installed on a platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Successfully defended oil company clients in climate change litigation brought by Alaska Native Village claiming that the energy sector's emissions of greenhouse gases have caused global warming that has melted Arctic sea ice that protected the village from winds and storm surge.

    Successfully defended oil company clients in defeating class certification in litigation brought by Louisiana residents claiming injury from exposure to radioactive materials cleaned from used oil field pipe.

    Successfully defended oil company clients in defeating class certification in litigation brought in Florida by boat owners claiming engine damage caused by the use of ethanol-blended gasoline.

    Defended oil company clients in settlement of False Claims Act litigation involving alleged underpayments of royalties on gas produced from federal leases.

    Represented an oil and gas exploration company in a dispute concerning working interests and overriding royalty interests in fields in Texas and negotiated a successful resolution for the client.

    Successfully represented oil company clients in litigation brought by Montana landowners who claimed property damage from historic contamination arising from refinery operations.

    Successfully represented, at the trial court level and on appeal, local hospital client in cases of first impression against novel statutory claims asserted by multiple psychiatric patients of sexual assault by a mental health technician.

    Successfully represented, at the trial court level and on appeal, a local high-profile attorney against legal malpractice claims.