Brianna Steinochr practices in the area of tax dispute resolution, assisting clients at all stages of a tax conflict. She has experience with corporate tax, general anti-avoidance rules, withholding tax, and tax litigation, including preparing evidence, instructing counsel, and advising on litigation risk.
Brianna previously served as an Associate to the Hon. President Buss at the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Western Australia. She also has served as a tutor in income taxation law and corporations law at the University of Western Australia.
- University of Western Australia (J.D. 2021; Dean's List for Academic Excellence & Research by Invitation; B.Comm. in Accounting and Business Law 2018)
- Supreme Court of Western Australia, Federal Court of Australia, and High Court of Australia
- Associate to the Hon. President Buss, Supreme Court of Western Australia, Court of Appeal (2022)
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