Natalia Sauszyn


Paris +

Natalia Sauszyn dispose d'une expertise importante en marchés de capitaux dans les domaines de la dette et de l'equity. Elle conseille des clients sur des émissions obligataires structurées ou vanille, des programmes EMTN, des EuroPPs, des programmes de dette US et des émissions high yield. Elle intervient auprès d'émetteurs, d'institutions financières et d'investisseurs dans le cadre de placements privés, d'émissions de valeurs mobilières donnant accès au capital et d'IPOs.

Natalia Sauszyn est intervenue aux côtés de clients tels que Tikehau pour sa primo-émission obligataire sur le marché réglementé d'Euronext Paris, Sanofi dans la cadre d'une émission sous programme US Shelf de 2 milliards de dollars, Crédit Agricole Home Loan SFH pour la mise à jour de son programme EMTN et d'émissions régulières sur Euronext Paris et le SIX Swiss Exchange, la Banque Degroof Petercam dans le cadre d'EuroPPS ou encore Procter & Gamble dans le contexte d'une offre d'échange sous forme de Reverse Morris Trust pour un montant global de 12,5 milliards de dollars et Orange dans la cadre d'une émission obligataire de 1,25 milliard de dollars.

Natalia Sauszyn conseille également les émetteurs cotés et institutions financières en matière de droit boursier et réglementation boursière de manière plus générale, en ce inclus des problématiques liées à la Directive sur les Marchés d'Instruments Financiers, le Règlement Prospectus, le Règlement Abus de Marché. Natalia intervient également sur des questions de dette souveraine lors de conférences à la Banque de France concernant des instruments de dette innovants et sur la thématique de la finance verte et durable.


  • Parker-Hannifin completes €700 million Senior Notes offeringJones Day represented Parker-Hannifin Corporation, a global leader in motion and control technologies, in connection with its registered public offering of €700 million aggregate principal amount of 2.900% Senior Notes due 2030.
  • EDF announces successful tap offerings on outstanding bond issues for total of €480 million and £100 millionJones Day represented EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with its tap offerings for a total of €480 million and £100 million on four outstanding bond issues (the “Bonds”):
  • EDF announces success of its “Formosa” green senior bond issueJones Day represented EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with its “Formosa” green senior bond issue for a nominal amount of $500 million.
  • EDF raises £500 million of senior bonds to finance and/or refinance investments made in construction of two EPR-type reactors at Hinkley Point C site in Somerset, United KingdomJones Day represented EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with its senior bond issue for a nominal amount of £500 million with a 40-year maturity and a 6.5% fixed coupon.
  • Orange voluntarily delists from NYSE by successful consent solicitation and voluntarily deregisters with U.S. Securities and Exchange CommissionJones Day advised Orange, S.A., a leading telecommunications operator and digital service provider serving 287 million customers, on its voluntary delisting of its American Depositary Shares from the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and voluntary deregistration from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its successful consent solicitation in relation to its US$2.5 billion outstanding 30-year Notes due 2031.
  • EDF announces final results of its tender offer for two series of outstanding hybrid notesJones Day represented EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with a tender offer on two outstanding series of hybrid notes, (i) €1 billion reset perpetual subordinated notes with a first redemption at the option of EDF on 22 January 2026 (ISIN : FR0011697028) and (ii) its £1.25 billion reset perpetual subordinated notes with a first redemption at the option of EDF on 29 January 2026 (ISIN: FR0011401728), which are admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.
  • EDF announces success of its multi-tranche green hybrid bond issue for nominal amount of €1.15 billion and £500 millionJones Day represented EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with the new issuance of green perpetual subordinated notes (the “New Notes”), consisting of (i) €500 million bond, at an initial 5.125% coupon until 2029 with a 5.25-year first call date at EDF’s discretion; (ii) €650 million bond, at an initial 5.625% coupon until 2032 with an eight-year first call date at EDF’s discretion; and (iii) £500 million bond, at an initial 7.375% coupon until 2035 with a 11-year first call date at EDF’s discretion.
  • EDF raises CHF310 million in two tranches of senior green bondsJones Day represented EDF (Electricité de France) in connection with its senior multi-tranche green bond issue for a nominal amount of CHF310 million, consisting of (i) CHF155 million bond, with a five-year maturity and a 1.5650% fixed coupon; and (ii) CHF155 million bond, with an eight-year maturity and a 1.7425% fixed coupon.
  • EDF issues senior green multi tranche bonds for nominal amount of €3 billionJones Day assisted EDF (Electricité de France), as issuer, in relation with the senior green bond issuance in three tranches for a nominal amount of €3 billion (the "Bonds"): €1 billion Bond, with a 7-year maturity and a 4.125% fixed coupon; €750 million Bond, with a 12-year maturity and a 4.375% fixed coupon; and €1.25 billion Bond, with a 20-year maturity and a 4.750% fixed coupon.
  • Omnicom Group completes €600 million public offering of Senior NotesJones Day represented Omnicom Group Inc., a leading global marketing and corporate communications company, in connection with the public offering by Omnicom Finance Holdings plc, its wholly-owned U.K. finance subsidiary, of €600 million of 3.700% Senior Notes due 2032.
  • Crédit Agricole Home Loan SFH issues €1.25 billion 3.25% Social Soft Bullet Covered BondsJones Day represented Crédit Agricole Home Loan SFH in connection with the Social Covered Bonds issuance under the €40 billion covered bonds issuance program, which is the second social issuance for the issuer.
  • Citigroup Global Markets and Scotiabank-led syndicate purchases 117,049,735 CBFIs in global offering by FIBRA PrologisJones Day represented Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and Scotia Capital (USA) Inc., as representatives of the several initial purchasers, as U.S. securities counsel in connection with the global offering by FIBRA Prologis of 117,049,735 real estate trust certificates (certificados bursátiles fiduciarios inmobiliarios, or “CBFIs”).
  • Underwriters complete concurrent offerings of $1.25 billion of Green Senior Notes, $1.25 billion of Senior Notes, and £750 million of Senior NotesJones Day represented the underwriters in a series of concurrent Senior Notes offerings by PepsiCo, Inc., a leading global beverage and convenient food company.
  • BNP Paribas structures ESG tokenized bondJones Day advised BNP Paribas on the structuring and issuance of an ESG tokenized bond, the proceeds of which aim at refinancing a solar energy project sponsored by EDF through its subsidiary EDF ENR.
  • BNP Paribas issues €375 million Non-Dilutive Cash-Settled Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds linked to BNP Paribas sharesJones Day represented BNP Paribas, as issuer and sole bookrunner, in connection with the offering by BNP Paribas of €375 million Non-Dilutive Cash-Settled Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2025 linked to BNP Paribas shares.
  • Dealer managers and underwriters complete $4.8 billion tender offer and concurrent offerings of $3.0 billion and €1.0 billion of Senior NotesJones Day represented the dealer managers and underwriters in a series of liability management transactions by PepsiCo, Inc., a world leader in convenient snacks, foods and beverages.
  • EDAP completes follow-on offering of American Depositary SharesJones Day represented EDAP TMS, a global leader in robotic energy-based therapies, in connection with its follow-on offering of 4,150,000 American Depositary Shares (ADSs) on the Nasdaq Global Market.
  • UCB issues €500 million Fixed Rate Bonds under its €5 billion EMTN ProgrammeJones Day advised UCB S.A. on the update and increase to €5 billion of their EMTN Programme and on the issue of €500 million 1% Fixed Rate Bonds due March 30, 2028 (7Y) thereunder.
  • Voltalia issues inaugural green bondsJones Day represented Voltalia in connection with its inaugural green bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (OCEANEs Vertes) due 2025 for a nominal amount of approximately €200 million as well as within the implementation of its Green & Sustainability-linked Financing Framework.
  • AXA Home Loan SFH issues €500 million of Soft Bullet Covered Bonds under its 2020 updated €10 billion Covered Bonds issuance programmeJones Day represented Natixis, as arranger and permanent dealer, and AXA Home Loan SFH, as issuer, in connection with the update of the €10 billion EMTN programme for the issuance of Covered Bonds (obligations de financement de l’habitat) of AXA Home Loan SFH signed on June 15, 2020.
    • September 12, 2019
      Sustainable Economy: A Global View