Marine L'Hostis focuses her practice on the legal and tax structuring of investment funds, primarily private equity, infrastructure, debt, co-investment, and dedicated funds as well as funds of funds. She advises management companies and investment service providers on incorporation, approval and monitoring in connection with their activities, and relationships with the AMF (the French financial markets authority) and the ACPR (the French prudential supervision and resolution authority).
Marine also assists French and foreign limited partners in the due diligence and negotiation of charter documents of investment vehicles and on carried-interest schemes for management teams and for marketing of financial instruments.
- 16 janvier 2018
Actualité du private equity 2018 : la SLP, Fonds de dette, Actualités européennes, Actualité fiscale Paris - 12 janvier 2017
Private equity, infrastructure, dette : soyons prêts pour les réformes de 2017 !
- French Bar School of Paris (CAPA) (French legal diploma 2016); University of Paris II-Panthéon Assas (Master's in Banking and Financial Law 2015; Master's in Corporate and Tax Law 2014)
- Paris
- English, French
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