Ravelle Melissen focuses her practice on advising and assisting clients in matters regarding corporate compliance and irregularities, national security, international trade, economic sanctions, and related corporate internal and government investigations. She also advises on other EU and Dutch regulatory matters, including European regulation and competition.
Prior to joining Jones Day in 2021, Ravelle served several internships with Dutch and international law firms.
- Leiden University (LL.M. Hons. in Dutch Criminal Law 2021); University of Amsterdam (LL.B in Dutch Law 2019); University of Groningen (LL.B. in International and European Law cum laude 2018); Seoul National University (University Exchange Program, Intellectual Property Law, 2017)
- Netherlands (Amsterdam)
- Served with the National Reserve Corps of the Royal Netherlands Army as a working student at the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (2020-2021) and at the Royal Netherlands Air Force (2019-2020)
- Dutch, English
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