Kaela Palmiter focuses her practice on business and tort litigation in state and federal courts. Her experience includes disputes related to breach of contract, class actions, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and spans multiple stages of litigation, including discovery and motions practice.
Kaela maintains an active pro bono practice. As a part of the Firm's Post-Conviction Relief Initiative for Survivors of Human Trafficking, she assisted in obtaining an order terminating the probation of a client whose criminal convictions directly resulted from her human trafficking experience. Kaela also handles matters for the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation.
- Emory University (J.D. with honors 2021; Recipient, Moffett Litigation Award for Outstanding Achievement in Trial Preparation and Litigation; Phillip C. Jessup International Law 2020 Moot Court Competition International Round Qualifier); Fordham University (B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science summa cum laude 2018; Phi Beta Kappa)
- Georgia
- Extern to Judge Alan J. Baverman, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia (Spring 2021)
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