Florence Moulin


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Florence Moulin advises investment fund managers on the legal, fiscal, and regulatory aspects of investment fund formation and fundraising. She works primarily on venture, growth, buyout, infrastructure, mezzanine, and debt funds; funds of funds; co-investment funds; and dedicated funds. In addition, Florence focuses on setting up regulated portfolio management companies, marketing and management passports, and carried-interest schemes for management teams.

Florence also assists limited partners, either institutional investors, pension funds, family offices, or corporates, in connection with their investments in alternative investment funds. She is also active on secondary deals, either on the sale of a fund's units or on the restructuring of management companies.

Florence is a member of the "Brexit and Asset Management" group of the Legal High Committee for Financial Markets (Haut Comité Juridique de la Place Financière de Paris).

Florence is author of Les Fonds de Capital-Investissement — Principes juridiques et fiscaux, Editions Gualino, 5th edition (December 2020), the French reference book dedicated to investment funds with 100% of the royalties donated to the Brain Institute (research center on lesions of the nervous system). She has also contributed to the Guide des investissements en infrastructures, Guides AF2I, in partnership with JP Morgan AM (October 2011), and to the Livre blanc du capital-investissement sur le continent africain, Club Afrique (France invest) (April 2016).


  • Beaureale advised on post-establishment fundraising on cross border basis of Dutch fund structureJones Day is advising Beaureale on the post-establishment fundraising in the Netherlands, Germany, France and Belgium of a Dutch fund structure, to be managed on a cross border basis by Beaureale Group's French AIFM.
  • Axeleo Capital announces closing of AXC2 at €73 millionJones Day advised Axeleo Capital in connection with the formation and fundraising of AXC2, a fund dedicated to B2B Tech startups, which has successfully reached a final closing of €73 million.
  • Origine Partners forms Origine PME I fundJones Day advised Origine Partners in connection with the formation of the fund "Origine PME I", a private equity fund focusing on French companies operating in all sectors, but which generally have a B2B activity.
  • Argos Wityu holds first close for Argos Climate Action at €120 millionJones Day advised Argos Wityu in connection with the creation of the fund "Argos Climate Action", a buyout fund dedicated to decarbonizing European SMEs, which has held its first close at €120 million, reaching 40% of its initial target.
  • Arkéa Capital forms We Positive Invest 2 FPCIJones Day advised Arkéa Capital in relation to the creation and fundraising of We Positive Invest 2 FPCI, an impact Fund focused on the energy and climate change transition, the circular economy, the human capital, and the health and well-being sector.
  • Starquest forms Starquest Protect FundJones Day advised Starquest Capital in connection with the formation and fundraising of Starquest Protect Fund (a FPCI Article 9 under SFDR), a €130 million "impact" fund, which had its first closing at €60 million.
  • CDPQ participates in record investment in Hy2genJones Day advised Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) on its participation in the record €200 million investment in green hydrogen pioneer Hy2gen AG, the world’s largest private investment in green hydrogen to date.
  • RAISE Conseil forms RAISE Seed for GoodJones Day advised RAISE Conseil regarding the formation of RAISE Seed for Good, a seed fund dedicated to financing and supporting future European leaders in responsible Tech, which held its first closing at €40 million.
  • Mérieux Equity Partners leads $150 million growth financing of DentalMonitoringJones Day advised Mérieux Equity Partners in leading the $150 million growth financing of DentalMonitoring, a leading AI-based dental software company monitoring the dental and orthodontics fields, thus granting DentalMonitoring a well-deserved unicorn status, as the second French HealthTech company reaching this type of valuation.
  • Deutsche Bank and Société Générale underwrite €165 million SPAC IPO by DEE TechJones Day represented Deutsche Bank, as sole global coordinator and joint bookrunner, and Société Générale, as joint bookrunner, in connection with the €165 million initial public offering by DEE Tech, the first ever French SPAC in the tech sector, which will be listed on the Professional Segment of the regulated market of Euronext Paris.
  • Singular Capital Partners forms Singular Ventures I fundJones Day advised Singular Capital Partners in its "AIFM" approval by the AMF as well as in the formation and the fundraising of its first venture capital fund "Singular Ventures I" (FPCI).
  • Serena Capital announces final closing of SERENA III at €300 millionJones Day advised Serena Capital in connection with the formation of SERENA III, a fund dedicated to financing of start-ups specialized in gaming, online software (SaaS), enterprise software, fintech, consumer, and DeepTech.
  • Brownfields Gestion forms Foncière des Générations 1Jones Day advised Brownfields Gestion in connection with the formation of Foncière des Générations 1, a real estate fund under the form of a professional real estate collective investment scheme or OPPCI (Organisme Professionnel de Placement Collectif Immobilier).
  • iXO Private Equity forms iXO PME 1Jones Day advised iXO Private Equity in connection with the formation and fundraising of iXO PME 1, a fund dedicated to SMEs based in the South of France.
  • ISAI Gestion forms ISAI Venture IIIJones Day advised ISAI Gestion SAS in connection with the fundraising of ISAI Venture III, a venture capital fund that held its final closing at €120 million.
  • Bpifrance Investissement forms Bpifrance Entreprises 1Jones Day represented Bpifrance Investissement in connection with the formation of the fund "Bpifrance Entreprises 1," the first investment fund to be subscribed by the public, managed by Bpifrance, and launched on the initiative of the French Minister of Economy.
  • HEC Alumni creates venture capital fund to support entrepreneurship ventures from the HEC Paris communityJones Day assisted HEC Alumni in connection with the creation of a venture capital fund aimed to support entrepreneurship ventures from the HEC Paris community.
  • AMDG launches OPCI investment fund dedicated to furnished rentalsJones Day advised the Lyon-based asset management company AMDG on the launch of OPCI "AMDG Location Meublée," a fund dedicated to furnished rentals, which aims to raise €50 million in the first year.
  • Ace Management forms Ace Aéro PartenairesJones Day advised Ace Management, a private equity investor specializing in strategic industries and technologies, on the formation of Ace Aéro Partenaires, a new investment fund dedicated to supporting and strengthening the aerospace industry.
  • Axeleo Capital forms Axeleo Proptech 1Jones Day advised Axeleo Capital in connection with the formation and fundraising of Axeleo Proptech 1, a fund dedicated to European proptech startups.
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      Les outils d'une levée de fonds réussie
    • 14 fevrier 2019
      Actualité du Private Equity en 2019 : Brexit, lois de finances, projet de loi Pacte
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      Projet de loi PACTE : Deux séminaires dédiés chez Jones Day
    • 6 mars 2018
      Tout savoir sur le "DIC PRIIPS"
    • 16 janvier 2018
      Actualité du private equity 2018 : la SLP, Fonds de dette, Actualités européennes, Actualité fiscale
    • 21 septembre 2017
      Corporates : comment mettre en place votre fonds de corporate venture ?
    • 5 juillet 2017
      Conférence du Private Equity en Afrique - 3ème édition - Fonds d’investissement en Afrique et Méditerranée : Etat des lieux des risques et retours d’expérience
    • 30 mars 2017
      Présidentielles, Fiscalité et Haut de Bilan - Les attentes des entrepreneurs ; les programmes des candidats - PME Finance et Centre des Professions Financières
    • 12 janvier 2017
      Private equity, infrastructure, dette : soyons prêts pour les réformes de 2017 !
    • 7 janvier 2016
      Le private equity : quelles opportunités pour 2016 ?
    • 27 janvier 2015
      Conférence annuelle du Private Equity en Afrique - 2ème édition
    • 15 janvier 2015
      Le private equity : le retour en force de la France ?
    • 2 octobre 2014
      PLF et PME : restaurer la compétitivité, organisé par PME Finance à l’Assemblée Nationale
    • 29 janvier 2014
      Le private equity en 2014 : tendances et opportunités
    • 23 janvier 2014
      Conférence annuelle du Private Equity en Afrique - 1ère édition
    • 14 Octobre 2013
      Conférence organisée par PME Finance, Assemblée Nationale, Projet de loi de finances pour 2014 : quelles mesures pour les PME ?
    • 27 Septembre 2013
      AFIC - Colloque : Comment mettre en place la directive AIFM au sein de votre société de gestion ? Intervention : Nouvelles règles d'organisation applicables aux sociétés de gestion AIFM
    • 10 juillet 2013
      Commercialisation des FIP et FCPI : êtes-vous à jour de vos obligations ?
    • 13 juin 2013
      Gérer l’AIFM : Revue des questions techniques impactant les professionnels de la gestion
    • 24 avril 2013
      L'AIFM, c'est aujourd'hui !
    • 29 janvier 2013
      Le Private Equity : où en sommes-nous ?
    • 22 janvier 2013
      Le financement des PME face à la crise - Séminaire organisé en partenariat avec PME Finance et Les Echos Etudes
    • 14 et 15 novembre 2012
      Enviro-Invest & Environmental Due Diligence
    • September 20, 2012
      SME Financing: legal news and market trends – in collaboration with NYSE Euronext and Société Générale
    • 20 septembre 2012
      Le financement des PME: actualités juridiques et tendances de marché - en partenariat avec NYSE Euronext et Société Générale
    • 11 juillet 2012
      Le projet de collectif budgétaire: quelles conséquences sur le financement des entreprises ? en partenariat avec DFi Avocats et PME Finance