
Class Actions_Compendium_Social Design_2400354

Class Actions Worldview Compendium

Although class actions have been common in the United States for decades, adoption across the rest of the world has been more limited. The global landscape remains in flux, however, as more countries have renewed momentum to enact class actions or class action-like procedures.

Jones Day has one of the largest and most successful groups of defense-side class action practitioners in the world. Building on the experience of litigators in 40 offices on five continents, this compendium synthesizes Jones Day's five-part series and serves as an essential resource for navigating the complexities of global class actions. As more countries move towards expanding collective litigation frameworks, companies should be prepared to address these emerging risks proactively.

Click below to read the Class Actions Worldview compendium and understand how these global shifts could impact your business.

Previously in the series:  

Part I: The United States and the European Union

Part II: Italy and Spain

Part III: Australia, Germany, and France

Part IV: China, Japan, Belgium, The Netherlands, and England and Wales

Part V: Argentina, Brazil, and Taiwan

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