With more than 19 years of experience, Undine von Diemar advises clients across all industry sectors on their most critical data protection matters, including incident response, internal investigations, international data transfers, and global compliance projects. She defends clients in proceedings before authorities and courts and has a strong track record advising clients on data protection issues in M&A transactions. Drawing on her long-standing data protection and IT experience, she works closely with clients to successfully structure and execute technology transactions related to cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and e-health. She also leads Jones Day's European Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection Practice.
Undine advises ICANN in Europe and globally on all data protection requirements relevant to ICANN. She is lead counsel for ICANN in its engagements with data protection authorities and legislators and represents ICANN in negotiations with registrars and registries. Undine has counseled well-known international companies on responding effectively to cyber attacks and data breaches, including engaging with law enforcement authorities and handling notification obligations. She has advised on privacy requirements in SAP's acquisitions of Qualtrics, Gigya, Concur, and hybris. She is also advising a well-known provider of AI-based IT security solutions on all relevant aspects of EU data protection law.
Undine is a member of the European Advisory Board of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). As instructor for the IAPP CIPP/E certification, she regularly provides training courses to the privacy community.
Additional Speaking Engagements
- November 30, 2021
New EU Proposal to Regulate AI – A "GDPR" for AI Setting a Global Standard?, German Client Conference - November 23, 2021
BB conference "All crypto, or what? The brave new world of tokens" 2021 - November 17, 2021
No "One Size Fits All" – Responding to Employee DSRRs Across Jurisdictions, IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2021 - October 27, 2021
The GDPR 3 years on, Lecture at the Jones Day Course at Beijing University - September 15, 2021
International Data Protection Update, IAPP Data Protection Intensive: Deutschland 2021 - June 26, 2020
Too much in common? (Zu viel der Gemeinsamkeit?), Kölner Tage Datenschutzrecht 2020 - November 21, 2019
Employee Tracking and Monitoring in Germany, U.K. and in Poland under the GDPR’, IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress - November 21, 2019
Employee monitoring in Germany, Poland and the UK, IAPP Data Protection Congress - November 6, 2019
The EU General Data Protection Regulation 18 Months On, Lecture at the Jones Day Course at Beijing University - November 6, 2019
Developments in US privacy law, Lecture at the Jones Day Course at Beijing University - September 19, 2019
Accommodating Data Subjects When They Exercise Their Rights, IAPP Data Protection Intensive - September 17-18, 2019
European Data Protection (CIPP/E Training) - November 14, 2018
The EU General Data Protection Regulation, Lecture at the Jones Day Course at Beijing University - September 19, 2018
Accomodating data subjects when they exercise their rights, IAPP Data Protection Intensive: Deutschland 2018 - September 18, 2018
The DPO’s place in the organization, IAPP Data Protection Intensive: Deutschland 2018 - September 18, 2018
Keynote speaker, IAPP Data Protection Intensive: Deutschland 2018 - July 24, 2018
Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks – What you should and should not do, IAPP KnowledgeNet - May 16, 2018
Life Science Seminar, Digital Health: The Life Sciences Industry Meets the Internet of Things & eHealth - May 15, 2018
Life Science Seminar, GDPR: Hot topics for the life science industry - January 2018
The ePrivacy Regulation, Jones Day MCLE University - January 2018
The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Jones Day MCLE University - January 2018
Cybersecurity: Managing Evolving Risks, Jones Day MCLE University - October 23, 2017
How to Prepare for the GDPR for Japanese Companies - September 14, 2017
Introduction to the GDPR - Top 10 Implementation Issues for Companies - June 12, 2017
Fully Connected, Fully Liable? Cybersecurity: Risks and Pitfalls (Be Prepared and Watch Your Smartphones - Live Hacking Demonstration!) - May 31, 2017
HR Data Processing Under the GDPR - How Companies Need to Prepare IAPP KnowledgeNet - April 25, 2017
GDPR Workshop: Best Practices for Implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation, Jones Day Seminar - April 24, 2017
GDPR Workshop: Best Practices for Implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation, Jones Day Seminar - April 5, 2017
Le RGPD en détail – Analyse des directives des autorités de protection des données et des efforts de mise en œuvre au niveau national - March 15, 2017
Webinar Series: EU General Data Protection Regulation (three-part series) - November 28, 2016
Advanced Training for Data Protection Officers on "International Data Transfer: EU Standard Contractual Clauses and Privacy Shield", German Federal Association of Data Protection Officers (Berufsverband der Datenschutzbeauftragten Deutschlands (BvD) e.V.) - October 5, 2016
IT and Data Protection, VAB Seminar: Foreign Banks in Germany - New Challenges and New Chances - September 28, 2016
EU Privacy Laws and Implications for Implementing Health & Safety Programs, European Union Health, Safety & Environment Forum - August 2, 2016
A Briefing on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield - July 1, 2016
Recent Developments Concerning Privacy in the EU: How to Prepare for the Upcoming General Data Protection Regulation and What is the Current Status of Rules for the International Transfer of Personal Data - June 30, 2016
Recent Developments concerning Data in the EU, EMA of Commercially Confidential Information (Clinical Data) and New Rules for the International Transfer of Personal Data - May 3, 2016
EU/U.S. Privacy Shield and International Data Transfers: Insights from the Regulator, IAPP KnowledgeNet - April 29, 2016
International Data Transfers (Internationale Datentransfers), Practice Days Data Protection (Praxistage Datenschutz) - April 14, 2016
Everything new - the update on data protection (Alles neu - das Update zum Datenschutz), Jones Day Banking & Finance Seminar - December 1, 2015
The new General Data Protection Regulation: Anticipating Compliance Roundtable, moderator - October 22, 2015
PLI Seminars: European Court of Justice Strikes Down Safe Harbor: What it Means for Transatlantic Businesses - October 14 and 15, 2015
Advanced Training for Data Protection Officers on "International Data Transfer", German Federal Association of Data Protection Officers (Referentin der Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Berufsverbands der Datenschutzbeauftragten Deutschlands (BvD) e.V. zu "Internationaler Datentransfer") - October 7, 2015
EU–U.S. Safe Harbor Program: What Does the Invalidation Mean to Your Business? - September 23, 2015
"Data Protection - Current challenges for Banks" (Datenschutz - Aktuelle Herausforderungen für Banken), Practice seminar of the Association of Foreign Banks in Germany (Praxisseminar des Verbands der Auslandsbanken in Deutschland e.V.): Presentation on "Final spurt for the General Data Protection Regulation" (Endspurt für die Datenschutzgrundverordnung) - May 21, 2015
Global Cybersecurity Perspectives, panelist, Cybersecurity Law Institute, Georgetown University Law Center - May 12, 2015
Munich IAPP KnowledgeNet: Big Data in the Health Care Industry - February 24, 2015
Atlanta IAPP KnowledgeNet: EU Privacy Update - December 3, 2014
Taskforce AG Expert Dialog: Presentation on "The new IT security requirements for companies" (Die neuen IT-Sicherheitsanforderungen für Unternehmen") - November 13, 2014
Jones Day Banking & Finance Seminar "New IT Security Act - What is important for banks?" (Neues IT-Sicherheitsgesetz vorgestellt – was ist wichtig für Banken?) - October 28, 2014
Advanced Training for Data Protection Officers on "International Data Transfer", German Federal Association of Data Protection Officers (Referentin der Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Berufsverbands der Datenschutzbeauftragten Deutschlands (BvD) e.V. zu "Internationaler Datentransfer") - August 5, 2014
Big Data Across the Atlantic - U.S. and E.U. Perspectives, Practising Law Institute - May 15, 2014
European Labor & Employment Conference 2014: Managing Today’s Employment Relationships Across Europe - March 13, 2014
International Data Security and Privacy Protection, panelist, 18th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute - October 16, 2013
Advanced Training for Data Protection Officers on "International Data Transfer", German Federal Association of Data Protection Officers (Referentin der Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Berufsverbands der Datenschutzbeauftragten Deutschlands (BvD) e.V. zu "Internationaler Datentransfer") - September 17, 2013
Is privacy ruining the game? "Dos and Don'ts" for banks in the social web (Spielverderber Datenschutz? "Dos and Don'ts" für Banken im Social Web), IBM event "Bank & Future" - September 2, 2013
Lecture on International Data Transfer (Vorlesung Internationaler Datentransfer), Summer Law School of the Ruhr-University Bochum and Jones Day - June 27, 2013
Data Protection in the Social Web: Are Business Opportunities Hampered by Data Protection Laws? (Datenschutz im Social Web: Behindert das Datenschutzrecht Geschäftschancen?), PASS business talk: Social Web for Companies - October 4, 2012
German Labor & Employment Seminar - September 20-22, 2012
International Federation of Computer Law Associations (IFCLA) 2012 Conference Bar Camp "Cloud Computing", moderator - March 23, 2012
Legal issues relating to Cloud Computing (Rechtsfragen des Cloud Computing), Munich Network Seminar - September 22, 2011
Ein unlösbarer Konflikt – US-Zugriffsrechte auf innerhalb und außerhalb der USA befindliche Daten und datenschutzrechtliche Konsequenzen (An unsolvable dilemma – US access rights to data located within the US and outside of the US and consequences arising thereof under data protection law), IT-Gesprächskreis - May 19, 2011
Cloud Computing Workshop, Client Compliance Day - October 21, 2010
Presentation on data protection issues and participation in the expert panel on IT security and data protection, Salesforce.com Cloudforce - September 28, 2010
Cloud Computing Workshop: Die Wolken lichten sich (the clouds are clearing), Client Seminar - April 16, 2010
Cloud Computing Workshop: Die Wolken lichten sich (the clouds are clearing), Munich Network Seminar - 2007-2008
Various lectures regarding the use of IP rights as means of financing; inter alia, doing a roadshow in five major German cities together with cooperation partners PATEV and Brand Rating (leading valuation firms for patents and trademarks)
- University of Michigan (LL.M. 2005; German Academic Exchange Service [DAAD] and The Rotary Foundation scholarships recipient); University of Potsdam (Doctorate degree 2002; Wolf-Rüdiger-Bub-Award [law faculty award of Potsdam University]; Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation scholarship recipient); Second State Examination (Niedersachsen, 2004); First State Examination (Berlin-Brandenburg, 1999); University of Potsdam and Humboldt University of Berlin (Law studies, 1994-1999; Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation scholarship recipient)
- Federal Republic of Germany
Chambers Europe: ranked for data protection in Germany
Legal 500: leading individual for data protection in Germany
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers: "Lawyer of the Year" 2020 for data protection in Germany
Acritas "Star Lawyer"
Wirtschaftswoche: top lawyer for data protection
Who's Who Legal: ranked globally for data protection
- German and English