- 我所律师曾处理过众多与传统及新兴责任风险相关的保险问题,且几乎涵盖所有的险种。
- 遍布全球的三十多个众达分所的保险赔偿律师团队经常通力合作,通过一体化运作,解决分布在美国、伦敦、百慕大和世界其他司法辖区的客户事务。
- 众达在维护商业投保人权利方面的出色表现已获得广泛认可。
- 我们曾帮助客户成功赢得众多诉讼和仲裁判例,其中不乏涉及关键投保人的先例。
- 我们与各大保险公司都曾开展过众多索赔谈判,凭借这方面的丰富经验,我们可以有效缩短索赔讨论时间,从而帮助客户避免旷日持久的诉讼。
Ty Childress Discusses Jones Day's Insurance Recovery Practice
Positioning Our Clients to Win.
Jones Day Insurance Recovery Practice Leader Ty Childress explains the Firm’s commitment to representing only corporate policyholders, not insurers, and how that creates real advantages for clients. He also talks about how to maximize insurances rights and position clients to succeed whether through settlement or litigation.
JONES DAY TALKS®: COVID 19 and Business Insurance
Jones Day Insurance Recovery Practice Leader Ty Childress discusses the insurance implications relating to COVID-19, including employee health and safety concerns, the importance of reviewing language, determining what constitutes a "physical loss," and what business operators must do now.
A thriving policyholder outfit handling a broad range of traditional coverage areas as well as cutting-edge issues....Chambers
Why Jones Day?
One Firm Worldwide®
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

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