众达是少数几家能够提供全面知识产权法律服务的全球性律所之一, 230余名专业人员拥有丰富的法庭实战技巧、战略性的商业头脑和深厚的技术能力,可协助客户开发和取得知识产权,制定创新性解决方案,在相关争议中取胜。
- 我所的诉讼律师团队相互通力合作,借助自身丰富的诉讼经验、强大的科学背景和上诉辩护技巧竭诚维护客户利益。
- 在我们的协助下,诸多客户曾在初审法院(Idenix案)、联邦巡回法院(华为案)和美国最高法院(SAS案)取得巨大胜利。
- 我们屡屡在欧洲、亚洲、澳大利亚和美国帮助客户处理最为棘手的跨司法辖区的专利战。
- 众达律师帮助全球最大的制药和技术公司创建和申请各类能经受诉讼考验的高价值专利组合。
- 通过与客户携手合作,充分了解客户的业务,我们为客户提供创新且具有成本效益的知识产权解决方案,帮助客户实现商业目标。
One Firm for Seamless Representation: Jones Day’s Global IP Practice
Women in IP
Jones Day's Meredith Wilkes, Tracy Stitt, and Anthony Insogna discuss the Firm's Women in IP initiative.
Trade Secrets: Jones Day's Global View
Effectively managing and protecting trade secrets and confidential information requires a multi-practice, cross-jurisdictional strategy. Jones Day's Intellectual Property partner Randy Kay, along with lawyers from the Firm's IP, Labor & Employment, Antitrust & Competition Law, and Global Disputes practices, explains the importance of implementing comprehensive policies, practices, systems, and programs to safeguard a company's critical information.
Heavyweight patent litigation on behalf of market-leading clients in electronics, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals. Fields particular experience in bet-the-company IP litigation ... popular choice for cross-border issues.Chambers USA
One Firm Worldwide®
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

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