Dr. Jakob Guhn practices in the areas of trademark, design, unfair competition including greenwashing matters, and copyright law, having gained litigation experience in several hundred court proceedings for brands before German courts and the European Court of Justice. He regularly advises international brands in litigation matters in the areas of software and new technologies, including robotics, artificial intelligence, and commercial use of data. His practice also focuses on cross-border and antipiracy strategies, including customs matters and trade fair surveillance as well as marketing campaigns and product rollouts in the European market. In addition, he advises clients on transactions in the area of IP, license agreements, and protection of trade secrets.
Jakob represents, among others, a manufacturer of mobility products, parcel services, and a brand of domestic appliances. He litigates IP rights for a worldwide leading software company, clothing companies, a tool manufacturer, and a medical device manufacturer in the fields of trademark, design, and unfair competition.
Best Lawyers and Handelsblatt have named Jakob as one of the leading IP lawyers in Germany. He was also inducted into WTR 1000, which identifies the top trademark professionals around the globe.
Jakob has written and lectured on various IP topics, including IP litigation, product piracy, domain law, and competition law. He is a member of the team of authors of the Commentary on Procedural Rules from the IP Perspective, Cepl/Voß 2015. He is a member of the Association for Intellectual Property and Copyright Law (GRUR) and the German-Italian Law Association.
- Januar 2015
Co-Autor - Prozesskommentar zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, ZPO mit spezieller Berücksichtigung des Marken-, Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-, Design- und Lauterkeitsrechts sowie des UklaG - Januar 2014
Richterliche Hinweise und ,,forum shopping” im einstweiligen Verfügungsverfahren, WRP 2014, 27 - Oktober 2013
Stiftung Warentest führt kostenpflichtige Werbelizenzen ein, Handelsblatt, 02.10.2013 - 2009
Die Produktpiraterieverordnung, Studien zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und zum Urheberrecht, Band 56 - Februar 2007
Erste Analyse der Rechtsprechung zu .eu-Domains in ADR-Verfahren, K & R 2007, 69
- July 29, 2015
Design Patents Awakening from their Beauty Sleep: An EU and US Overview
- University of Cologne (Certified IP Lawyer 2010 [Fachanwalt für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz]; Dr. jur. 2008; First State Examination 2003); Second State Examination (Appeal Court of Düsseldorf, 2005); Universities of La Sapienza, Rome (1999-2000) and Trier (1997-1999)
- Federal Republic of Germany
- German, English, and Italian