David M. Morrell


華盛頓 + 1.202.879.3636

David Morrell is an experienced litigator and former senior Justice Department official whose practice focuses on high-stakes civil litigation and government disputes. David leads trial-level motions practice and strategy, briefs matters at every level of the federal judiciary, and has argued more than a dozen cases at the trial and appellate levels in courts across the country. He also regularly represents clients in administrative proceedings and government investigations involving the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Customs & Border Protection (CBP), and other regulators. David also develops strategies to challenge unlawful regulatory actions.

David returned to Jones Day in 2021 after serving as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in DOJ's Civil Division, where he led the Federal Programs Branch, which defends the government against regulatory challenges to the most significant Executive actions, policies, and programs in federal district court. Prior to that role, he oversaw DOJ's Consumer Protection Branch, which defends the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in federal district court and brings civil and criminal enforcement actions involving drugs, medical devices, food, consumer products, and fraudulent schemes. Before DOJ, David served at the White House, where advised senior Administration officials on a wide range of legal issues, including in the areas of regulatory policy and international trade.

David's practice builds on his previous tenure at the Firm, during which he represented clients in complex trial and appellate litigation matters across a range of subject matters.