Vanessa Foncke


Bruxelles + 32.2.645.15.58

Vanessa Foncke intervient sur tous les aspects de la résolution des litiges ainsi qu'en matière de négociation des contrats. Elle a représenté un grand nombre de clients belges et étrangers lors de contentieux contractuels et commerciaux, à toutes les étapes des procédures judiciaires et administratives. Elle conseille également ses clients sur des questions générales de droit commercial et civil et mène des enquêtes internes de compliance.

Vanessa possède une vaste expérience en matière d'arbitrage commercial national et international à la fois en tant que conseil et en tant qu’arbitre (CCI, CEPANI, ad hoc). Elle est co-présidente du CEPANI40, l'association des moins de 40 ans de l'institution belge d'arbitrage et de médiation CEPANI, et a été la rédactrice en chef du bulletin CEPANI de 2011 à 2014. Elle est également membre du ICC Young Arbitrators Forum, Young ICCA, YIAG (LCIA), DIS40 et ICDR Y&I.

Vanessa a développé une connaissance approfondie d’un large éventail d’industries telles que la construction, la distribution, les industries lourdes, les télécommunications, les hautes technologies, les énergies renouvelables et l'immobilier.

Vanessa Foncke est avocate à la section flamande du barreau de Bruxelles et a été membre du conseil d'administration du jeune barreau de Bruxelles (Vlaams Pleitgenootschap) de 2010 à 2013. Elle fait partie du comité de rédaction (section droit commercial général) de l'une des revues belges majeures en droit commercial (TBH/RDC). Elle parle couramment le néerlandais, l'anglais et le français et est compétente en allemand. Avant de rejoindre Jones Day, Vanessa a exercé dans un cabinet d’avocats belge.


  • AIP acquires Aluminium BelgiumJones Day advised American Industrial Partners in the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Aluminium Belgium BV, the parent company which owns Aluminium Duffel, from Ecnavla 8 UK Ltd.
  • American Industrial Partners Capital Fund VII takes control of Aluminium Dunkerque companiesJones Day has advised American Industrial Partners Capital Fund VII, L.P. in connection with the acquisition of the Aluminium Dunkerque companies through the foreclosure on the shares of Liberty France Industries 1 SA, which were pledged to affiliates of AIP under mezzanine financing arrangements previously provided to Aluminium Dunkerque, due to ongoing payment and other defaults.
  • EIC acquires assets of CG Power Systems BelgiumJones Day advised Electrical Industries Company (EIC) in the acquisition of the production activities from the assets of the bankrupt estate of CG Power Systems Belgium.
  • Beerschot arbitrates various decisions taken following termination of football competition in light of COVID-19 crisisJones Day successfully represented KFCO Beerschot-Wilrijk NV, a Belgian football club in multiple arbitration proceedings before the Belgian Arbitration Tribunal for Sports against the Royal Belgian Football Association and the Pro League in relation to decisions taken following the termination of the Belgian football competition in light of the COVID-19 crisis, thereby facilitating its promotion to competition 1A.
  • Hansteen sells Belgian portfolio to Belgian real estate investorJones Day assisted Hansteen Holdings PLC in the sale of its Belgian real estate portfolio to a Belgian real estate investor.
    • October 30, 2023
      Presentation on “A dispute? Think about (CEPANI) arbitration”, IBA event by Hub.Brussels, CEPANI and the Belgian Institute for In-house Counsel on “Brussels, your legal hub for Europe”
    • November 23, 2023
      Panel discussion at CEIA Mujeres event on “Tribunal dynamics – A guide to the soft skills required of an arbitrator”
    • December 14, 2023
      Class on “From the hearing to the award”, CEPANI Arbitration Academy
    • June 1, 2023
      Keynote speech at the Women’s Breakfast of the 2023 Dutch Arbitration Day on “Challenging and Enforcing Awards”
    • April 20, 2023
      Panel discussion on “Why choose a seat of arbitration in the BeNeLux”, LAC / LAA seminar on “Arbitration in BeNeLux – Getting to know each other and what to expect from the future”
    • June 3, 2022
      Panel discussion on “What are legitimate responses when facing guerrilla tactics (both as counsel and as arbitrator)", bi-annual conference of the Co-Chairs Circle
    • January 18, 2022
      Panel discussion at ICC YAF webinar on "Read Between the Lines - The Unwritten Rules of a Career in International Arbitration"
    • November 25, 2021
      Presentation on "The Prague Rules on evidence", CEPANI annual scientific colloquium on "What's on the horizon"
    • September 15, 2021
      Panel discussion on “Revision of arbitration”, NAI seminar on “The upcoming 2021 NAI Arbitration Rules”
    • March 15, 2021
      Presentation on "Drafting jurisdiction and applicable law clauses", Seminar on "Dealing with uncertainty in international contracts" organized by the Belgian Federation for Enterprises and the Belgian Institute for in-house Counsel
    • November 26, 2020
      Presentation on "Selected Procedural Questions," CEPANI annual scientific colloquium on Arbitration and Fraud
    • November 19, 2020
      Panel discussion on "Digital hearings", organized by INCEUBRUX, the European incubator of the Brussels Bar
    • November 14, 2019
      Rendering table speech at the gala event on the occasion of CEPANI’s 50th anniversary
    • April 5, 2019
      Arbitrating the final argument in the 2019 Brussels Pre-moot running up to the annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Competition
    • March 21, 2019
      CEPANI / NAI panel discussion on "What are the users’ expectations in respect of searching the truth?"
    • November 15, 2018
      CEA40 / DIS40 panel discussion on "The interaction between state courts and arbitral tribunals - A story of love and hate"
    • September 14, 2018
      Young ICCA workshop on cross-examination in international arbitration, moderating panel discussion
    • June 27, 2018
      Arbit - CEA - UNIDROIT conference on "Cross-border commerial disputes", presentation on "Co-existence of stautory rules, mediation rules and best practices"
    • September 14, 2017
      2017 Dutch Arbitration Day on Advocacy and Evidence, panel discussion on "The role and future of advocacy in international arbitration"
    • May 11, 2017
      CEPANI40 / CFA40 conference on "Au secours, un Etat dans mon arbitrage! - Les particularités de l’arbitrage commercial impliquant des personnes de droit public", opening remarks
    • April 4, 2017
      Arbitrating the final argument in the 2017 Brussels Premoot running up to the annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Competition
    • January 12, 2017
      CEPANI conference on strategy in international arbitration
    • December 9, 2016
      ICC YAF conference on “Arbitrating intra-corporate disputes”, presentation on “Arbitrability of intra-corporate disputes: a comparative approach”
    • November 17, 2016
      Opening statement at the Brussels (Dutch speaking) Bar at the occasion of the new judicial year
    • October 20, 2015
      Cepani40 fall conference on "What counsel in arbitration can do, must do and must not do", closing remarks
    • June 18, 2015
      Studipolis (die Keure) seminar on “Arbitration – The new Arbitration Act in practice”, presentation on evidence in arbitration
    • May 5, 2015
      Moderating CEPANI40 debate evening on “The appointment of arbitrators: parties v arbitral institutions"
    • November 19, 2014
      OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) seminar on Bélgica: Centro de Arbitragem e Negócios no Coração da Europa, Belgium and CEPANI: your preferred arbitration hub and institution
    • November 19, 2014
      The new Belgian arbitration law, the 2013 Cepani Arbitration Rules and Brussels as place for arbitration, CNI (Brazilian Federation of Industry) round table discussion
    • November 18,2014
      The new Belgian arbitration law, the 2013 Cepani Rules of Arbitration and Brussels as place for arbitration, Lecture at Brasilia University
    • April 12, 2014
      CEPANI40 debate on "International Arbitration: a Belgian point of view - Last call for questions on the Cepani Rules…"
    • March 27, 2014
      Recent developments in cross-border dispute resolution, arbitration and collective redress, Colloquium Vlaams Pleitgenootschap
    • March 11, 2014
      CEPANI40 seminar on "Arbitration in practice", opening statement
    • February 20, 2014
      Consumer protection in the new Belgian Economic Code, Jones Day seminar on the new Belgian Economic Code
    • February 20, 2014
      Belgian Economic Code
    • February 17, 2014
      Interim and conservatory measures / emergency arbitration, Seminar on Belgium and Brussels, capital of Europe, the international arbitration hub
    • December 12, 2013
      Evidence in arbitration, Ghent University on the New Belgian Arbitration Law: essential provisions and impact in practice