Christian Schmitt

European Counsel

Düsseldorf + 49.211.5406.5500 Francfort + 49.69.9726.3919

Christian Schmitt's practice focuses on internal investigations, the management of compliance-related crises, the implementation and assessment of compliance programs, and directors' liability.

Christian has significant experience in internal investigations regarding a variety of issues, including corruption, bribery, fraud, embezzlement and export controls, and other issues with a high-financial and reputational impact. He is versed in the use of legal technology and e-discovery software for an efficient review of complex matters and large data volumes.

He also has experience in implementing tailor-made compliance programs, carrying out compliance risk assessments, as well as third-party due diligence procedures.

Prior to joining Jones Day, Christian worked for two years at an internationally active boutique law firm that provided compliance, corporate governance, investigations, and monitorships legal services. During his clerkship, Christian gained in-house legal experience working in the group legal and compliance department of a global industry company.


  • Valmet acquires process gas chromatography business of Siemens AGJones Day advised Valmet Oyj in the €102.5 million acquisition of the process gas chromatography business of Siemens AG.
  • Ansys acquires automotive simulation channel partner DYNAmoreJones Day is representing Ansys, Inc. in the acquisition of the DYNAmore business (“DYNAmore”), a Stuttgart, Germany-headquartered company who has historically distributed Ansys’ LS-DYNA crash test simulation software to virtually all major European car manufacturers.
  • J.M. Huber acquires Biolchim GroupJones Day advised J. M. Huber Corporation in the acquisition of Biolchim Group, a leading producer and distributor of specialty plant nutrition and biostimulants, from private equity firms NB Renaissance and Chequers Capital and the Biolchim Group management team.
  • PTTGC acquires allnex from AdventJones Day advised PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited in the €4 billion acquisition of allnex Holding GmbH from Advent International.