Patricia Ochman practices antitrust and competition law and focuses on antitrust litigation, government investigations, and merger reviews. She has represented clients in various industries, including defense, health care, and consumer products. She represents corporate clients in federal and state courts and has experience in many aspects of party and non-party discovery and pretrial litigation, as well as transactional matters and conduct investigations brought by federal antitrust enforcers. With respect to merger work, she has counseled clients through Hart-Scott-Rodino filings and Second Request responses, including investigational hearing preparation and agency advocacy.
Prior to joining Jones Day, Patricia practiced law in Montreal, Canada, where she concentrated on litigation, indigenous law, constitutional law, and natural resource law. She has published peer-reviewed articles and has presented at conferences, seminars, and other events in Canada and in Northern Europe. She was a researcher at the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law (NIEM/Arctic Centre) in Rovaniemi, Finland and a member of the Fiji Draft Mineral Act review team of the ABA-UNDP International Legal Resource Center. She has served internships at the Prosecutor's Office of Summit County, Ohio and at the U.N. Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity, as part of the Working Group on Art. 8(j). Patricia is a member of the CMBA Ethics and Professionalism Committee. She previously served on the board of directors of the Horses and Humans Research Foundation. Patricia is a member of the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust Law.Esperienze
- The University of Akron (J.D. summa cum laude 2017); McGill University (LL.B. and B.C.L. 2006)
- Ohio, New York, Quebec (Canada), U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
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