State Attorney General Enforcement, Investigations & Litigation
Successfully Navigating Complex State Attorneys General Issues
With our decades of experience defending against individual and multistate attorney general enforcement actions, investigations and litigation, clients can expect an effective and efficient strategy against traditional and emerging state attorney general efforts.
- Across the broad spectrum of substantive areas of the law, Jones Day has developed deep experience with many of the most significant matters targeted by state attorneys general.
- Our lawyers have a keen understanding of the risks and challenges inherent to state attorney general matters in order to develop and implement effective legal strategies in response.
- Navigating the matrix of individual state laws, subpoenas, demands for information and testimony, and resolution options can be fraught with pitfalls, but may also present opportunities for strategic advancement. Jones Day provides critical insight, counseling and in-the-courtroom capabilities throughout the process to take advantage of circumstances as they arise.
State Attorney General Enforcement, Investigations & Litigation Practice
Jones Day Partners Tony Dias and Courtney Lyons Snyder talk about the formation of the State Attorney General Enforcement, Investigations & Litigation Practice, an area of law in which the Firm has been advising clients for decades, and one that continues to grow in importance to companies doing business in the United States.
Por que Jones Day?
One Firm Worldwide®
Tradição singular de atendimento ao cliente e envolvimento com o cliente
Compromisso mútuo e colaboração contínua por uma verdadeira parceria
Talento jurídico imensurável em todas as áreas de atuação e jurisdições
Valores profissionais compartilhados com foco em atender às necessidades do cliente

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