Rémy Fekete


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Rémy Fekete has more than 25 years of experience advising national and international clients in strategic projects, particularly in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

He regularly assists States and local or international private groups on regulatory and transactional matters related to infrastructures. Rémy focuses on the digital sector, the deployment of information and communication technologies, renewable energy projects, production and distribution of drinkable water, transport (airports, ports, road networks, and logistics platforms), oil & gas, mining and natural resources, and in the establishment of distribution networks.

Rémy's experience in the digital sector includes telecom, media, satellite, and internet law, particularly as they relate to the synergies between the digital sector and other utilities (energy, water, transportation).

Rémy has been ranked Band 1 by Chambers for more than 15 years in a row and was recently awarded "outstanding contribution" recognition. Rémy also has been selected as "the best lawyer for Sovereigns in Africa" by Jeune Afrique Business+ (2020) and among the five best lawyers across Africa by Jeune Afrique Business+ (2024).


  • ARCEP drafts standard set of specifications regarding technological neutralityJones Day is advising Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste ("ARCEP") with the drafting of a standard set of specifications taking into account technological neutrality in Niger.
  • Fluence Water Israël signs addendum to EPC contract with Ministry of Hydraulics of Ivory Coast for deployment of distribution network of water treatment plantJones Day is assisting Fluence Water Israël with the negotiation of an addendum to an EPC contract concluded with the Ministry of Hydraulics of Ivory Coast, relating to the design and construction of a water treatment plant supplying up to 150,000 m3/ day of water in Abidjan, and the deployment of the distribution network, including the construction of power lines, road, dyke, and engineering structure with two bridges.
  • ARCEP updates digital legislative and regulatory framework in Burkina FasoJones Day assisted Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes ("ARCEP") with updating the digital legislative and regulatory framework in Burkina Faso.
  • MENTD drafts specifications for low-earth orbit satellite operator to provide internet access in TogoJones Day is providing assistance to Ministère de l'économie numérique et de la transformation digitale ("MENTD") in drafting the specifications for a low-earth orbit satellite operator to provide internet access in Togo.
  • Togolese Digital Agency seeks assistance drafting and negotiating contract for implementation of startup incubator in LoméJones Day assisted the Ministère des Postes et de l'Economie Numérique and Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances au Togo (Togolese Digital Agency) in drafting and negotiating a contract for the implementation of a start-up incubator in Lomé.
  • Republic of Togo seeks assistance drafting and negotiating PPP agreement for construction of schools in TogoJones Day assisted the Ministère des Enseignements Primaire, Secondaire, Technique et de l'Artisanat (Republic of Togo) in drafting and negotiating a PPP agreement in relation to the construction of schools in Togo.
  • Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy deploys 70 MW photovoltaic plant in BlittaJones Day assisted the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy in negotiating the contractual documentation for the development of a 70 MW photovoltaic plant in Blitta (Togo, Africa) to be operated by an independent power producer.
  • Spiro obtains up-to FCFA 37.8 billion credit facility for deployment of electric motorcycles, batteries, and swap stations in Benin and TogoJones Day advised Spiro, a pioneer company deploying an innovative model of electric motorcycles and battery replacement and recharging network across the African continent, in the granting of an up-to FCFA 37.8 billion (c. €58 million) credit facility from Société Générale, with a 70% partial credit guarantee from GuarantCo, as part of Spiro's deployment of electric motorcycles, batteries, and swap stations in Benin and Togo.
  • Koch Agronomic & Energy Solutions acquires 50% stake in Jorf Fertilizers Company III from OCPJones Day advised Koch Agronomic & Energy Solutions, LLC (KAES), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., in its 50/50 joint venture with OCP S.A.
  • Togolese government implements Equiano fiber optic submarine cableJones Day assisted the Togolese Société d'Infrastructures Numériques (SIN) on the roll out and landing in Lomé of a branch of the Equiano fiber optic submarine cable developed by Google.
  • Government of the Republic of Togo deploys solar-powered lightsJones Day assisted the Government of the Republic of Togo in the deployment of more than 50,000 solar-powered street lights in rural areas in Togo by a French manufacturer and operator.
  • International Finance Corporation coordinates with Ethiopian government to award telecommunications licenseJones Day assisted the International Finance Corporation and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in opening up Ethiopia's electronic communications market to competition, which until now held the world's largest monopoly in the telecommunications sector.
  • Mauritanian regulatory authority reviews public-private partnerships lawJones Day assisted the Mauritanian multi-sectoral regulatory authority in analyzing the 2017 public-private partnerships law and providing comments for its review by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Payment systems company reviews data protection and privacy constraints in multiple countriesJones Day advised a payment systems company on the applicable legal and regulatory framework related to data protection and privacy applicable in Argentina, Mainland China, Colombia, India, Hong Kong and Singapore as well as constraints and obligations the client must comply with as data controller and processor.
  • Government of the Republic of Togo develops cybersecurity frameworkJones Day assisted the Government of the Republic of Togo in developing a cybersecurity framework.
  • Tactis designs telecommunications universal service policy in MaliJones Day collaborated with Tactis SAS to design a national strategy for AGEFAU, the Malian agency responsible for promoting universal access to telecommunications and information and communication technology services in Mali.
  • Government of the Republic of Togo privatizes telecommunications companyJones Day advised the Government of the Republic of Togo on an international bidding procedure to privatize TogoCom.
  • Payment systems company obtains regulatory advice relating to data protection and privacy in South AfricaJones Day advised a payment systems company regarding the applicable legal and regulatory requirements relating to data protection and privacy in South Africa and recommended measures to ensure compliance.
  • Payment systems company obtains regulatory advice relating to payment and transaction management software in BotswanaJones Day advised a payment systems company regarding the national legal and regulatory framework applicable to payment systems, and on the corresponding regulatory issues and requirements relating to the supply of a payment and transaction management software suite to a retailer based in Botswana.
  • Government of Gabon seeks assistance with review of legal and regulatory framework in its digital and health sectorsJones Day assisted the government of Gabon in the review of the legal and regulatory framework in its digital and health sectors, and assessed its adequacy to support the implementation of a national health information system and foster the development of e-health applications and services.
    • 29 - 30 novembre 2021
      FRATEL - 19ème réunion annuelle : Service et accès universels: un commun accessible à tous? / Table ronde : « Quelle place du service universel dans les politiques publiques pour favoriser la connectivité ? »
    • October 4, 2018
      3rd Africa Finance Breakfast
    • 4 octobre 2018
      3ème Matinale Africaine de la Finance 2018
    • 27 juin 2018
      Smart Cities Global Technology and Investment Summit / Keynote speech : Appropriate legal environment to develop Smart Cities
    • 26 juin 2018
      2ème Matinale Africaine de la Finance 2018
    • 31 janvier 2018
      1ère Matinale Africaine de la Finance 2018
    • 5 juillet 2017
      3ème Conférence du Private Equity
    • 12 juin 2017
      3ème Conférence Annuelle pour les Spécialistes Européens du Droit des Médias / Table-ronde : Le Paysage Médiatique Européen
    • 20 avril 2017
      Finale de la 3ème édition du Prix Jones Day/ESSEC/Paris II
    • 3 novembre 2016
      5ème édition des Assises de la Transformation Digitale en Afrique. Conférence sur le thème des enjeux de l’aménagement numérique des territoires en Afrique, Administration électronique.
    • 21 octobre 2016
      Land of African Business 2016 : Développement inclusif en Afrique : mirage ou réalité ? / Table ronde : La cybersécurité, condition d'une croissance durable en Afrique ?
    • 6 - 7 octobre 2016
      Africa Telecom People 2016 - 12ème édition : L'Internet des objets - Comment l'Afrique se prépare au tout connecté / Table ronde : Impact de l’Internet des Objets dans la modernisation de l’industrie
    • September 20, 2016
      TMT Finance Africa 2016 : The M&A Panel – How will consolidation and restructuring shape the African market?
    • 5 juillet 2016
      Explosion des cybermenaces : comment les entreprises peuvent et doivent-elles se protéger ?
    • June 6, 2016
      Fair Use, Fair Dealing & Copyright Reform / MLRC Legipresse Conference for European Media Lawyers
    • 31 mai & 1er juin 2016
      eNNOV Benin 2021 - Atelier sur la stratégie de développement du numérique au Bénin
    • 24 - 25 mai 2016
      FRATEL - 13ème séminaire : Quelles solutions concrètes, notamment de partage d'infrastructures, pour un aménagement numérique du territoire ? - Table ronde : Quelle régulation économique pour le déploiement de nouveaux réseaux ?
    • 17 mai 2016
      IDEST : La consolidation du marché des télécoms / Table ronde : La consolidation de télécoms en Afrique
    • 30 novembre - 1er décembre 2015
      FRATEL - 13ème réunion annuelle : Quelle nouvelle régulation pour accompagner la convergence fixe-mobile?
    • 29 - 30 octobre 2015
      4èmes Assises de la Transformation Digitale en Afrique : Ecosystème et filière numérique, facilitateurs d’innovation au sein de la Smart City
    • 8 - 9 octobre 2015
      Africa Telecom People 2015 - 11ème édition : e-commerce en Afrique