- 众达是法国领先的国际律师事务所之一。除了本所国际客户外,我们还向许多法国CAC 40指数公司(本国排名前40位的上市公司)、金融机构、基金和新兴公司提供法律建议。
- 众达巴黎分所律师协助客户处理跨业务领域和跨司法辖区的事务。他们向众多知名企业提供交易和诉讼方面的服务,就最复杂的监管、知识产权、劳动和税收等事务提供法律建议。
- 众达巴黎分所以其对欧洲和全球法律环境和趋势的洞见服务于客户。在所有适用大陆法系的国家,特别是非洲大陆和中东地区,众达协助政府和私有投资者处理广泛的法律改革、国际交易以及诉讼事务。
- 众达始终以提供优质客户服务为最高追求。我所巴黎分所的律师会在聆听并了解客户需求后协同其他业务团队和分所,以最经济有效的方式为客户处理事项。
Jones Day in Paris
Sophie Hagege, Diane Senechal, Alban Caillemer du Ferrage, and Renaud Bonnet discuss the history and growth of the Paris office, the factors that differentiate the Paris office including its sophisticated and diverse client base, its representation of CAC 40 companies, major tech and biotech companies, as well as funds and asset managers in their investments. They also discuss the office’s funds initiative, banking and finance practice, financial litigation capabilities, and venture capital practice representing emerging growth companies, among others.
6:42 PM Romance Standard Time
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