- 我们善于设计创新方法解决客户的薪酬和福利问题,确保客户灵活性并最大程度降低风险。
- 众达采用多专业领域团队的方式,遍布全球的50余名经验丰富的薪酬与福利律师在彼此之间以及劳动与雇佣和资本市场等相关专业的律师密切协作。
- 我们经常与众达的并购律师团队合作,或者作为外部并购团队的特别顾问,指导客户处理涉及颇具挑战性的福利和高管薪酬问题的大型交易。
- 我们经常就各类高风险事务,例如撤销雇主退休金计划的责任,违反信托义务和高管薪酬案件等提供法律咨询服务。
Complex transactions. High-stakes litigation. Compensation issues. Miguel Eaton, who co-leads Jones Day’s Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice, talks about providing strategic advice to multinational companies in a constantly changing regulatory environment.
Jones Day's Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation group 'finds creative solutions to difficult problems.'Chambers USA 2018
Why Jones Day?
One Firm Worldwide®
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

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