Thomas Bouvet


Paris +

Thomas Bouvet dispose d’une vaste expérience dans les différents domaines de la propriété intellectuelle et concentre plus particulièrement son activité au contentieux en matière de brevets d'invention, de secrets d’affaires et de droits d’obtentions végétales.

Il représente des PME et des grands groupes internationaux dans des affaires impliquant la validité et la contrefaçon de brevets. Il est intervenu dans des affaires significatives dans presque tous les domaines techniques : sciences du vivant (médicaments, biotechnologies, diagnostic médical, dispositifs médicaux), chimie, électronique, transports, matériaux et techniques de construction, mécanique, produits domestiques et de loisirs. Il assiste ses clients sur les problématiques posées par les CCP et les brevets essentiels à des standards. En matière de droits d’obtentions végétales, Thomas Bouvet est intervenu dans le secteur des grandes cultures, des espèces fruitières et potagères et des plantes ornementales. Il possède une expérience particulière dans le contentieux et le conseil en matière de rémunération des inventions de salariés.

Thomas Bouvet accompagne régulièrement des groupes internationaux dans la mise en place de politiques de protection de secrets des affaires et de rémunération des inventions de salariés. Il conseille également ses clients dans la rédaction et la négociation de contrats de recherche, de transferts de technologie et de licences de brevets ou de savoir-faire.

Il publie et intervient régulièrement dans le cadre de conférences. Il est membre de l’AIPPI (co-président du comité permanent Biotechnologies et obtentions végétales, membre du comité des programmes), du GRAPI (ancien président) ainsi que de l’EPLAW et de l’AAPI.


  • BioMarin pursues litigation against Ascendis Pharma A/S in UPCJones Day represents BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. in patent infringement proceedings against Ascendis Pharma A/S for infringement of European patent EP 3 175 863 B1 at the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in Munich, Germany. The patent covers long-acting variants of C-Type Natriuretic Peptide ("CNP").
  • CJ CheilJedang enforces French patent against MetexJones Day represents CJ CheilJedang Corporation, a major Korean-based multinational company, in patent infringement litigation involving genetically engineered microorganisms for the production of certain essential amino acids before the French court.
  • Vibrantz defends patent dispute before Unified Patent Court in MunichJones Day represents Vibrantz GmbH, a manufacturer of specialty chemicals and materials, in patent litigation before the Unified Patent Court, Munich local division, in a dispute over certain precious metal sinter pastes for chip bonding.
  • Andrew Dzurak and Allectus Capital create leading quantum computing company, Diraq Pty LtdJones Day acted for Professor Andrew Dzurak and Allectus Capital, in the creation of a leading quantum computing company, Diraq Pty Ltd (formerly, SiMOS Newco Pty Ltd) whose founding shareholders consist of the University of New South Wales, Allectus Capital and Professor Dzurak.
  • Sanofi announces carve-out creating EUROAPI and spin-off of approximately 58% of shares to its shareholdersJones Day advised Sanofi in the carve out creating EUROAPI (a leading European company dedicated to the development, production and marketing of active pharmaceutical ingredients) and the listing of this entity on Euronext Paris and the placement of 12% to the French State (through French Tech Souveraineté) for a price of up to €150 million.
  • French biotech company seeks to audit and to improve existing trade secret protection policyJones Day is advising a French biotechnology company with respect to auditing and improving its existing trade secret protection policy.
  • SAP acquires Qualtrics for $8 billionJones Day advised SAP in its $8 billion acquisition of Qualtrics International Inc., the global pioneer in the experience management software category.
  • Sanofi sells infectious disease unit to EvotecJones Day advised Sanofi in the sale of its infectious disease unit to Evotec AG.
  • Naos defends patent infringement action in field of cosmeticsJones Day successfully represented Naos in defense of a patent infringement action relating to its sunscreen products.
  • UCB appeals French IPO expiry date for supplementary protection certificateJones Day successfully represented UCB S.A./N.V. in an appeal against a decision by the director of the French IPO, which refused to correct the expiry date of a supplementary protection certificate (SPC).
  • Car manufacturer defends against employee's request for additional remunerationJones Day successfully assisted a car manufacturing client in defending against a request for the payment of additional remuneration in relation to an employee's inventions.
  • Star Fruits, WAAA fend off plant variety right revocation procedureJones Day successfully represented Star Fruits and WAAA in defending against a community plant variety right revocation procedure involving apples.
  • Naos SAS defeats patent infringement claims over treatment of atopic skin disorderJones Day successfully represented Naos SAS in defense to an action for alleged infringement of two patents regarding products for the treatment of atopic skin disorder.
  • Knauf Insulation defends patent infringement action involving construction materialJones Day successfully represented Knauf Insulation GmbH in a patent infringement action involving its construction material, resulting in a dismissal of plaintiff Saint-Gobain Isover's request for a preliminary injunction.
    • April 22, 2022
      AIPPI Trilateral meeting: First experience on the protection of trade secrets in France, Germany and Poland further to the implementation of the Trade Secret Directive
    • March 10, 2022
      AIPPI - CEIPI Joint Webinar: The protection of trade secrets
    • January 27, 2022
      Centre Paul Roubier: Advanced course on the protection of Trade Secrets
    • January 25, 2022
      GRAPI - Management of employee inventions in international groups
    • November 29, 2021
      Cycle de formation du CEIPI - La protection des secrets des affaires
    • November 24, 2021
      Cycle de formation IEEPI - Gérer les conflits post-licence et lutter contre le contrefaçon de brevets
    • June 22, 2021
      AIPPI - AIPLA Joint webinar : IP Waiver on vaccines
    • November 25, 2020
      Actualisation du droit des brevets, Centre Paul Roubier
    • November 16, 2020
      Secret des affaires, CEIPI
    • November 5, 2020
      Actualisation du droit des brevets, Centre Paul Roubier
    • September 3, 2020
      Trade Secret
    • November 7-8, 2019
      ERA, Annual conference on European patent law: recent trends regarding life science inventions
    • September 20, 2019
      SPC Blog Seminar
    • June 24, 2019
      Start-up et PI; Nouvelles économies et biens immatériels; colloque de l'AMP CEIPI
    • May 16, 2019
      Intelligence artificielle et propriété intellectuelle (Artificial Intelligence and IP) GRAPI
    • March 21, 2019
      Trade Secrets: A comparative analysis from US, Japan and EU LL.M. Univ-LYON 3 Conference
    • February 7, 2019
      Protection des secrets d'affaires Trade Secret Protection Centre Paul Roubier
    • February 1, 2019
      Italy meets France in IP: a story of food and fashion, AIPPI
    • June 6, 2018
      Les secrets d'affaires: de la directive à sa transposition (Trade secret protection from the Directive to its implementation) Centre Paul Roubier
    • 30 novembre 2017
      Les rendez-vous de la propriété intellectuelle – 4ème volet : La protection des secrets d'affaires
    • 29 juin 2017
      Les rendez-vous de la propriété intellectuelle - 2ème volet : Comment se préparer à des saisies contrefaçon ou des saisies article 145 CPC ?
    • 30 mars 2017
      Les rendez-vous de la propriété intellectuelle - 1er volet : Gestion des créations de salariés
    • 28 mai 2017
      Les conséquences du Brexit en matière de brevets d'invention (Centre Paul Roubier)
    • February 2, 2017
      La juridiction unifiée du brevet et le brevet européen à effet unitaire. Centre Paul Roubier
    • November 15, 2016
      La stratégie de défense des droits en Europe
    • September 21, 2016
      Skinny Labels… wide impact, AIPPI
    • September 21, 2016
      Skinny Labels… wide impact
    • April 20, 2016
      Patents on plants, Representation of North-Rhine Westphalia to the EU
    • April 20, 2016
      Patents on plants, Representation of North-Rhine Westphalia to the EU
    • February 2, 2016
      La juridiction unifiée du brevet européen à effet unitaire
    • January 28, 2016
      Inventions de salariés : actualité et contentieux
    • March 20, 2015
      UPC Update and conclusions for national litigation, German-French-Polish IP Seminar 2015, AIPPI
    • January 1, 2015
      Global patent litigation: How and where to win - Tokyo, Seoul, Pekin, Shangaï, Suzhou, Global Patent Litigation: Asian tour