Marine L'Hostis


Paris +

Marine L'Hostis intervient dans le cadre de la structuration juridique et fiscale de fonds d'investissement. Elle agit principalement pour des fonds de private equity, d'infrastructure, de dette, de fonds de fonds, de fonds de co-investissement et de fonds dédiés. Elle assiste les prestataires de services d'investissement et les sociétés de gestion au titre de leur constitution, leur agrément et leur suivi dans le cadre de leurs activités et de leurs relations avec l'AMF (l'Autorité des marchés financiers) et l'ACPR (l'Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution).

Elle accompagne également les investisseurs (français ou étrangers) notamment pour les audits et la négociation de la documentation des véhicules d'investissement. Elle intervient, en outre, dans les schémas de carried interest et dans les problématiques liées à la commercialisation des instruments financiers.


  • Axeleo Capital announces closing of AXC2 at €73 millionJones Day advised Axeleo Capital in connection with the formation and fundraising of AXC2, a fund dedicated to B2B Tech startups, which has successfully reached a final closing of €73 million.
  • Origine Partners forms Origine PME I fundJones Day advised Origine Partners in connection with the formation of the fund "Origine PME I", a private equity fund focusing on French companies operating in all sectors, but which generally have a B2B activity.
  • Argos Wityu holds first close for Argos Climate Action at €120 millionJones Day advised Argos Wityu in connection with the creation of the fund "Argos Climate Action", a buyout fund dedicated to decarbonizing European SMEs, which has held its first close at €120 million, reaching 40% of its initial target.
  • Arkéa Capital forms We Positive Invest 2 FPCIJones Day advised Arkéa Capital in relation to the creation and fundraising of We Positive Invest 2 FPCI, an impact Fund focused on the energy and climate change transition, the circular economy, the human capital, and the health and well-being sector.
  • Starquest forms Starquest Protect FundJones Day advised Starquest Capital in connection with the formation and fundraising of Starquest Protect Fund (a FPCI Article 9 under SFDR), a €130 million "impact" fund, which had its first closing at €60 million.
  • Singular Capital Partners forms Singular Ventures I fundJones Day advised Singular Capital Partners in its "AIFM" approval by the AMF as well as in the formation and the fundraising of its first venture capital fund "Singular Ventures I" (FPCI).
  • Bpifrance Investissement forms Bpifrance Entreprises 1Jones Day represented Bpifrance Investissement in connection with the formation of the fund "Bpifrance Entreprises 1," the first investment fund to be subscribed by the public, managed by Bpifrance, and launched on the initiative of the French Minister of Economy.
  • Selectirente completes €217 million capital increaseJones Day represented Selectirente S.A. in connection with the €217 million share capital increase without preferential subscription rights but priority subscription period granted to the existing shareholders.
  • Autres publications

    • June 21, 2024
      Co-drafting, with Florence Moulin, of the 6th edition of ‘Les Fonds de Capital Investissement - Principes juridiques et fiscaux’, with a preface by Olivier Goy
    • January 2, 2023
      Cover of Private Equity Magazine (No 181 - January 2023)

    • November 28, 2024
      Lecturer at the Master II professional lesson in ‘Business law and taxation’ at Assas University
    • January 16, 2024
      Participation in the seminar on ‘Investment funds: legal and tax news’
    • November 21, 2023
      Participation in the seminar ‘Accélération de la démocratisation du PE (ELTIF 2.0 et Loi industrie verte)’
    • January 17, 2023
      Participation in the seminar ‘Investment funds: market trends in 2023’
    • 16 janvier 2018
      Actualité du private equity 2018 : la SLP, Fonds de dette, Actualités européennes, Actualité fiscale Paris
    • 12 janvier 2017
      Private equity, infrastructure, dette : soyons prêts pour les réformes de 2017 !