- 众达遍布全球的120余名能源专业律师就涉及能源与自然资源的各类全球交易和监管事务,向客户提供法律咨询服务。
- 我们服务的客户遍布上中下游油气领域,以及可再生能源、发电和输电、煤炭、采矿和矿物、页岩气、化工/石化、整个液化天然气价值链以及营销、运输和物流等诸多行业。
- 客户与众达律师就争议、监管合规、竞争、国家援助规则、基础设施开发、营销和贸易以及并购交易有关事项紧密合作。
- 我们经常在反垄断及合并质疑、卡特尔查处行动和后续民事集体诉讼等各类政府调查以及公私执法行动中为客户进行抗辩。
Jones Day’s Energy Practice
Energy Practice Leader Jeff Schlegel and partners from offices around the world describe how client needs are served at every stage of the energy chain and how working across practices with Jones Day lawyers on finance, litigation, tax, regulatory, and other matters is critical to client success.
An Inflection Point: Energy in Transition
The energy landscape continues to evolve and change. Energy Practice Leader Jeff Schlegel and Partners Kit Rockhill and Paul Greening talk about preparing for regulatory changes, recognizing opportunities, leveraging technologies, and what’s happening next in the renewables space.
Why Jones Day?
One Firm Worldwide®
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

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