- 米国、ヨーロッパおよびアジアで活動する弁護士が、グローバルな観点から統合された税務ソリューションを提案します。
- クライアントが法令や規制の改正に対処しやすいよう、クライアントの懸念事項を政府関係者に伝えたり、裁判所で規則の有効性を争ったり、改正をタイムリーにわかりやすく説明したりします。
- 税務調査から不服申立に至るクライアントの税務紛争に対応し、必要に応じ裁判所での訴訟活動も行います。この場合には、全米で認知されている税務訴訟担当の弁護士が、税務裁判所、連邦地方裁判所、州・地方裁判所で培った長年の経験を活かして対応に当たります。
- ジョーンズ・デイの弁護士は、医薬品、バイオテクノロジー、テクノロジー関連産業の分野において豊富な知識を有しており、クライアントとともに包括的でグローバルに見て効率の良い体制を策定し実現します。
Tax-related issues present some of the most complicated challenges facing today’s multinational corporations. These include navigating complicated international standards that do not always align; mitigating the risk of double-, triple-, or even quadruple taxation across jurisdictions; complying with a constantly evolving regulatory framework; managing tax disputes and litigation; negotiating complex cross-border transactions and intellectual property matters; and many others.
Joe Goldman, Lou Berger, Anthony Whall, and Niv Tadmore talk about Jones Day’s global
Tax Practice and how its interdisciplinary approach helps clients effectively address their tax matters.
Joe Goldman, Lou Berger, Anthony Whall, and Niv Tadmore talk about Jones Day’s global
Tax Practice and how its interdisciplinary approach helps clients effectively address their tax matters.
Tax Disputes
The changing tax structure leaves multinational corporations at risk of complicated tax disputes. Jones Day partners Joe Goldman and Niv Tadmore talk about the global tax landscape and what corporates face in the current environment.
Incredible; they work to find solutions to complex tax issues and they do so in an efficient manner.Chambers Nationwide Corporate & Finance
Why Jones Day?
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- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs
