- 诸多一流医疗体系均就其法律需求向众达寻求建议,依赖众达的跨学科团队为其最具挑战性的问题提供以业务为导向的实用建议。
- 本所客户跨越整个医疗保健和生命科学领域,包括从医院系统及学术医疗中心到供应商、医疗保健投资者和新兴公司,以及从顶尖和初创制药、生物科学、医疗器械和食品化妆品公司到科研机构、风险投资及私募股权基金等。
- 本所律师发挥他们在科学及法律界的双重资质,以及资深的政府工作经验,在代理知名案件和案例法的发展中起重要作用。
- 众达积极参与代理知名案件的诉讼以及案例法的发展,客户因此受益匪浅。
Health Care Litigation Trends
Steve Sozio discusses trends in health care litigation, including whistleblowers, government regulation and investigation, and the international challenges facing health care providers and life sciences companies.
Digital Health: Current Trends and Legal Issues
The adoption of digital health technologies introduces a new range of efficiencies for health care delivery and marks a significant breakthrough in research and development capabilities for the life sciences industry. Jones Day's Alexis Gilroy, Maureen Bennett, and Cristiana Spontoni talk about trends in digital health applications and discuss the legal and regulatory issues attendant to the growth and wide acceptance of this new era in medicine.
Excels at identifying potential legal issues across a range of jurisdictions and providing clear and pragmatic solutions.Legal 500
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